Blade Feb featured crystal

neglass7neglass7 Member Posts: 217
For someone like me that takes a good bit of time to muster up even 10,000 5* shards, is it worth saving up and waiting for one Blade crystal with 20% shot? Or is it a waste?
I only have about a dozen 5*s and only a few worthwhile, all unawakened - Venom, Magik, Corvus, Starlord, and other mediocre/low end champs.
I also don’t even have blade as a 4*, and I won’t be able to awaken him as 5* either, at least not for a long time probably.
I hate to waste 5,000 shards and get trash since it takes me almost a month to earn them. I’m almost at Uncollected with just 5.2.5 and 5.2.6 left.

Blade Feb featured crystal 52 votes

Wait for a shot at Blade
NonuSpity68nameplasigotgame1075HeadrollerLt_Magnum_1SceptilemaniacSpiderCoolsWerewrymHunter44simolazIBlueShiftIjimmyjohnsFhfjghhggggjfhfjgpeasantNb2121rhcsavage21GsabaAtaaullahshumaxgorath 24 votes
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Rswsb34NikskiniJim0172NEO_mr_AndersonJohnyzeroKennadoA l p h aAanthoClaydeeezyJosegee2321hiddenblizzardSirius111Wabobabluebubble100The_red_EclipseMaldroit2TBuchanan24SmashRabangaSaket_123 28 votes


  • MeniscusMaster2MeniscusMaster2 Member Posts: 92
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    Think about this if u save up 30,000 shards for blade crystal and u get him once and get ready than u still got blade, but with 30,000 shards u could get blade possibly awaken him or get something good. And even if u get a duplicate of trash at least u get a better hero rating and 6* shards
  • neglass7neglass7 Member Posts: 217
    I was hoping this vote wouldn’t be as close as it is. I’ve never done a featured before. Are there only specific champs available? Or is it the same as a regular crystal with just a higher chance for blade?
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  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
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    I've picked b, by a thin line, and here's why.
    I have 19x 5*, 3 duped. I did, one day, went for featured and got Rocket.
    So, from that day on, I swore to never go back on taking a chance to waste 15k shards to get a medium-low champ, until I reach 25, 5*.
    Now, I,m packing 5* shards to, try yo, get Blade, because, I don't have him as a 4* and, I got 5* Sparky. If not for him, I wouldn't try for Blade, and, 20% chance to get him is good.
    In your case, you have Corvus, Proxima would be a better pull for you, or duping your SL.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Wait for a shot at Blade
    neglass7 wrote: »
    I only have about a dozen 5*s and only a few worthwhile, all unawakened - Venom, Magik, Corvus, Starlord, and other mediocre/low end champs.

    Say what...??? None of those are mediocre or low end, in fact they are all fantastic and high end champs.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    It doesn’t seem like it’s worth it. Since multiple counters to blade there is and even if you do get him, he does somewhat he need that awakening to be a god. I would say don’t do it
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
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    Werewrym wrote: »
    neglass7 wrote: »
    I only have about a dozen 5*s and only a few worthwhile, all unawakened - Venom, Magik, Corvus, Starlord, and other mediocre/low end champs.

    Say what...??? None of those are mediocre or low end, in fact they are all fantastic and high end champs.

    He said 'and other mediocre/low end champs.'
  • StewmanStewman Member Posts: 735 ★★★
    If you have Corvus and Stark I don't that I would waste 15k shards on an increased chance at Blade.

    You are extremely lucky to have the 5*s you have if you only have a dozen or so 5*s
    I have quite a few good champs. 70 5*s now. And I would love to have Corvus or Stark either one.
  • _I__I_ Member Posts: 306
    Wait for a shot at Blade
    well am of the opinion if u let it pass that is the blade crystal somewhere in ur mind it will itch that may be may be may be u should have had one try at least. now I believe one shouldn't live with regret of not trying. even if u do not get him it won't haunt u as much. u will at least be telling self I tried it ok luck didn't favour me that is another tale. as for the wastage of 5k shards in case u do not get him well u can earn few more soon enough so I would say if u would gamble then gamble big enough.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,321 ★★★★★
    Go for it if you think Blade is a valuable addition to your roster and he will be your go-to champ.
  • neglass7neglass7 Member Posts: 217
    Would an unawakened Blade be more beneficial than my current top champs for an Uncollected push?
    I typically would use 5* Magik, Venom, Corvus and maxed 4* Voodoo, Medusa, X-23.
    I did just pull a 4* Stark Spidey for synergy as well that I plan to max out shortly - how much would that help?
  • PEKKACHUPEKKACHU Member Posts: 136
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    I suggest you go for basics. I'm in the same spot as you and majority of the community adviced me to get basics and grow my roster. I did it and wasn't disappointed. Good luck in whichever crystal you pull!
  • PEKKACHUPEKKACHU Member Posts: 136
    Save them for an additional regular crystal
    neglass7 wrote: »
    Would an unawakened Blade be more beneficial than my current top champs for an Uncollected push?
    I typically would use 5* Magik, Venom, Corvus and maxed 4* Voodoo, Medusa, X-23.
    I did just pull a 4* Stark Spidey for synergy as well that I plan to max out shortly - how much would that help?

    I believe that it would help to an extent
  • TBuchanan24TBuchanan24 Member Posts: 92
    edited February 2019
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    I wouldnt go for blade without ghost rider. I have corvus and I demolished the collector with him. I would open the basic and hope for a dupe Magik or dupe starlord or a prox to go with corvus and the absoulte god quake. I became uncollected 3 months ago i 100% every quest up to then blade definitely helps I have him and gr as 4* r5 quake destroyed every uncollected boss as a 4* and my 5* corvus is a monster. But without gr i wouldnt use blade
  • neglass7neglass7 Member Posts: 217
    I just got another skill catalyst and as of now I would have enough to immediately rank up Blade to be my first R4 if I pull him, but I won’t be able to awaken him. Does that make him more appealing to go for the featured?
  • neglass7neglass7 Member Posts: 217
    Update: I was able to get 30,000 shards so I went for it and pulled him on the last try! Now the question is, should I take him to R4 right away even unawakened??
  • bluebubble100bluebubble100 Member Posts: 62
    Save them for an additional regular crystal
    yea probably but only if you have gr to get thaty holy trinity

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