For all you LoL easy path only summoners

I completed the easy path of LoL a few months ago and still to this day have absolutley no desire to make an exploration run. The time, units, and frustration just scares me to even think about it. However....if there was a solid reward for completing each path I would be tempted to do that. First run are great rewards and exploring give out amazing rewards but everything in the middle just seems to be a waste. For all your LoL easy path summoners, would you be tempted to explore LoL if they added a t2a, awakening gems or rank up gems as a reward for each time you complete a new path?
Throw some rank up gems or something of some use for me and I would do more, but as is I couldn't care less if I ever fully explore it.
Will those who have already 100% it get whatever is added to the rewards in the in-game mail?
There was a time when ROL was a BIG hurdle for most summoners and if you did it as soon as you were able, the rewards were hugely beneficial to your roster. Keep in mind that this was at a time when T4 basics and 4* champs didn't flow like water like they do now. This gives people the incentive to push hard in new content because the rewards are very beneficial to one's roster.
Labyrinth of Legends is the same way. Back when it came out, the rewards were utterly insane (t4 class cats were still very hard to come by). People were able to get their first r4 5* after Exploring Act 4 and it proved to be a big bump to one's prestige, which was SUPER important at the time. If someone were lucky enough to pull and dupe a Star Lord (others can do it, but SL was far and away the most common champ for LOL then) and use their resources to take him to r4, they had a good shot to do the easy path and get a second r4, which again, was HUGE. This took a big commitment and a lot of effort, but the payout was great.
As more champs with LOL viability were added to the game, exploration became easier. Champs like Domino can take down LOL enemies in record time without having to worry about limber, which is world's apart from the people who did every fight with an r4 Star Lord. Summoners now had a choice...they could invest resources to focus on LOL to get the rewards or they could bypass it and wait for their roster to become powerful enough to make the content easy (people now Speed-run ROL for fun). Those who focus on the challenge got the benefit of reaping the rewards at a time when they are more important. Just like rewards for Realm of Legends, the rewards for LOL will devalue as time progresses. In the space between Acts 4 and 5, Labyrinth was the only source of T2 Alphas. Now, we have plenty of sources and obtaining them is only getting easier.
I think adding more rewards to older, permanent content is counterproductive to what the developers want. Kabam wants to see us push hard to work through new content. If you start adding rewards to permanent content overtime, it incentivizes a player to wait and just do it later.
Now that everyone has a bunch of r5's champs LOL isn't even that hard anymore. The rewards seem less because they're much easier to get now.
If they were to give more incentives to complete a lane, then reward those that already 100% with those options.
With content like variant, LoL takes a back seat. When act 6.1 is released lol takes another back seat. Heck I even 100% act 5 before doing a lane in LoL. Giving us an extra t2a per lane completion would make it worth the effort. And giving those extra t2a to those that already 100% would change the game balance.
ROL is not a good example. It’s only one path, rewards don’t need to be updated. The difficulty between ROL and LOL are worlds apart. So the idea of adding extra rewards per path doesn’t sound insane. I haven’t done a path nor do I want to, is if because I can’t do it....of course!
Realm of Legends is the best example that exists in the game despite the number of paths.
At the time of release, both maps were equally daunting. They may be worlds apart in difficulty, but they seemed equally insurmountable to most players at their respective times of release.
At the time of release, both maps had rewards that were the best possible in the game.
Both maps are permanent content meant to challenge summoners and encourage progression.
And probably most relevant: Newer summoners are on record asking for ROL rewards to be improved because they feel the current rewards aren't worth the effort. Now that rosters are developing and champions are getting stronger, we're seeing the same thing in LOL...people claiming the juice isn't worth the squeeze.
We have never asked for increased rewards for paths between the initial clear of a map and the final one in any other content. I'm not sure why LOL should be different.
The way people feel about ROL now is how they'll probably feel about LOL in 1-2 years. That's the issue with static content in a dynamic doesn't stay enticing forever. Do it when the rewards are great or do it when it's easy...those are the two ends of the spectrum in this game.
The biggest thing here is perspective. Try doing ROL with an unduped 4/40 champ with no masteries. How possible does that feel? Keep in mind that's basically what was available when ROL was released. Remember, heal reversal wasn't a thing back then, so good luck with Wolverine. Want a hint on how to beat him? Use Electro and a Visa.
Realm of Legends used to be a MAJOR undertaking and I think newer summoners aren't grasping that. The people who have been playing this game the longest felt about ROL the same way most people do the first time they step foot in LOL these days.
Realm of Legends used to take HOURS to complete. Many spread it over several days. And it took lots of planning and a ton of items (usually). Sound familiar? That may seem ridiculous by today's standards, but it's true. It's a testament to how far this game has come.