My next R4 5*? Great options

So I have enough t2a to R4 someone. The champs I already have at R4 level or higher is
Void, Star Lord, Magik, Hyperion, Killmonger, Red Hulk and Winter Soldier.
I have some great options as you will see, but I'm not sure what to do, I could also save the t2a's to 5/65 someone once i get another t5b, or save them to R2 a future 6*.
I've done one LOL path, and nothing of Varient, Im in no hurry to explore LOL but would like to start on Varient if it's possible.
Btw Im not running Deep Wounds.
I will appreciate comments with advise.
Anyway thank you for your time and help, I appreciate it.
Void, Star Lord, Magik, Hyperion, Killmonger, Red Hulk and Winter Soldier.
I have some great options as you will see, but I'm not sure what to do, I could also save the t2a's to 5/65 someone once i get another t5b, or save them to R2 a future 6*.
I've done one LOL path, and nothing of Varient, Im in no hurry to explore LOL but would like to start on Varient if it's possible.
Btw Im not running Deep Wounds.
I will appreciate comments with advise.
Anyway thank you for your time and help, I appreciate it.
My next R4 5*? Great options 28 votes
Nope i dont have deep wounds and my 5/50 domino still melts stuff