Sandbagging in AW

We have found ourselves up against an alliance that placed all 1 & 2 star champions in AW. They haven't even joined the attack phase yet either. I realize what they are doing. But is there really any benefit to sandbagging in AW?
I'm not trying to get the other alliance in trouble. I was just wondering about the logic of it.
You’d be surprised
And you’d be wrong. I can show you the email from support if it makes you feel better though.
Are you upset?
Its simple: they sandbag in offseason to drop tiers and war rating allowing them to start the season with easier matchups. Points from a win times multiplier of lessor tier > a loss at higher tier because the win bonus is so high. Season being based on total points its a smart strategy. Not to mention what they save in resources by not having face tougher allies right at beginning of season.
Thanks for the explaination! Thats exactly what I was trying to understand. It seems like it could be risky though. If a lot of people are doing this, wouldn't they run the risk of being paired against each other? Then it would kind of defeat the purpose. I'm kind of conflicted on this. I can see the pro's and con's to it but, it would ultimately depend on the match-ups.
Its possible but not likely.. especially at the upper levels, as you drop in tier/rating the pool of potential matchups increase a great deal.
It becomes a battle to see which side can lose harder and at best tie if both sides are tanking.
Can a Summoner still join War if no defenders were placed (and Summoner count is less than 10) in the new system?
I could care less if you feel bad or not. I was simply pointing out the fact that you were wrong. It is not against the TOS, it’s just poor sportsmanship.
I’m glad you were able to get that off your chest, I’m proud of you and now you can go along in search of the name of the wind.
Alright Kvothe, you made your point you pesky Adena Ruh. Lol.
@savemejebusx Thank you!! I’m glad someone got this
We're in Plat 1 and all we get is tanking allies (no one places defenders, and no one attacks). No one wins, and no one loses. Everyone stays at the same place, but everyone loses out on 5/6 star shards from the rewards.
imo tanking needs to get fixed, it's annoying but we are FORCED to do it! Not to get easier matchups, but so that we match up with the people that we are supposed to be matched up with in the first place (because they are also trying to tank!). If we don't tank we will face only Master allies and we will just go on a huge losing streak.
Honestly, the easiest way to fix tanking is to freeze the points during off-season.