Ghost rider or magik awakening?

As the title says, confused whom to awake. Help me out friends with your valuable opinions. GR is R4 , magik is r3. Posting few pics for more info. I have explored act 5.

Kindly suggest as to why you chose a particular option, that would really help me have your insight. Thankyou.

Kindly suggest as to why you chose a particular option, that would really help me have your insight. Thankyou.
Ghost rider or magik awakening? 40 votes
May I ask your GR and magik ranks? And you say you find GR awakening more useful? Did you used to use GR in AQ even before awakening him?
For me, GR was my 1st 5 star R4. He helped me so so much to clear the content. I got pretty used to him. Although the fights are longer but he always comes out full health at the end. I still use GR spark and Blade for AQ and wars. When I got a mystic gem from act 5, I used it on Voodoo as I found Voodoo utterly trash without it. Now from the free gem at 2018 end I got mystic again. Just recently pulled magik and she's r3 now. If I use gem on magik them surely she goes R4. Maybe even without it. So now with this background of mine I want to know if using gem on GR vs magik, which will benefit me more? The Trinity is always on the team whether uncollected EQ, AQ, wars. Although a genuine power controller is what I always wanted. Thankyou.
GR is still only r3 but is used in Map6, not just for Blade synergy but for some fights. He got the AG because I found myself using him in that map rather than purely as synergy like I originally thought.
Magik is r4, used the 2015 variant gem to get her there, then tried her against KM on 29 and haven't looked back.
By the sounds of it GR would be of more use for you as you use him more and it would shorten the fights. That and Magik is already a quality power controller as is.
Magik is a killer with her limbo at max sig.
Nah magik
Limbo is great