Kabam please explain why willpower doesn't work?

And yet my champs are losing almost twice as much health per second as they regenerated.
If this is a bug I would like to know so I can request my units refunded immediately.
Or just the core so I can use it elsewhere.

If this is a bug I would like to know so I can request my units refunded immediately.
Or just the core so I can use it elsewhere.

Not a bug. As @Markjv81 says, poison reduces the effectiveness of all healing, including the healing from Willpower. This was very deliberate on Kabam's part so people couldn't run suicide masteries and then not only eliminate the cost but actually reverse the cost into a benefit.
This is not true, willpower was changed to cancel out the benefit of suicides and willpower, the 30% reduction has always been there.
For example, originally if you had 4 stacks of fatigue on your champ, you would get 4x willpower I believe. Now those same 4 stacks of fatigue only grant 1x willpower
I originally misremembered this a while back but I looked it up and poison did in fact reduce healing when the debuff was first introduced. But that's not what I meant above. What I meant was that the numbers for Willpower and the suicide masteries are currently set in such a way that you can't simply erase the damage from suicides. Willpower's healing is meant to be such that it can't simply counter Liquid Courage in particular because Liquid Courage's debuff doesn't expire on its own.
Is there anywhere in game that states poison reduces healing by 30%?