Spider-Gwen VS She-Hulk

Judging from the videos released, She-Hulk looks A LOT better than Spider-Gwen. She can build up furies like crazy and constantly crits. Seeing Seatins video, a fully ramped up Spider-Gwen 5/65 barely hit 60k whilst She-Hulk 5/65 was hitting almost 33k per Medium hit. Is it that Spider-Gwen is once again falling behind or that She-Hulk is too op? Personally, I would like to see Spider-Gwens charges go up to maybe 8 or 10 and decrease her evade chance from 5-3 % to make up for that, also bring back armour Breaks.
Didn't really look at it that way, fair point. But shulk is still a beast for LOL and I saw Seatin playing SGwen on ROL and she also looks awesome, roughly 130 hits per boss
If this game followed the comics in terms of feats then I'm pretty sure people like Blade, Starky etc would be much lower down and Sentry, thanos etc would be god tier +
She hulk stops evade and unstoppable to plus she also has long parries poison immune petrify taunt if hardly say she hulk is just damage
Didn't mean she's ONLY damage just that her strongest ability is damage
So, they’re making her awesome and you’d rather they not? No, she’s good as is. Takes some luck and skill to get that damage ramped up properly. Hopefully, they’ll use this buff as a benchmark when buffing other champs.
Well, I'm not sure if the gameplay part of a fighting game counts as character development, especially if the characters are chosen by you. In fact, the whole purpose of the fighting is to, well, fight, not develop the character motives.
Lol, that’s not how making a straw man works. You said they’re making her too good, I said “you don’t want them to?”
I didn’t reframe your argument, I just shortened it.
quit crying
Yeah I feel like there could be more to her
She-hulk in the comics now I'm pretty sure is the strongest of the hulks even compared to Banner. In the current version unless they've changed it again, which is completely possible since I haven't really caught up on the comics She-hulk has the blind rage element to her hulk form which fits the new buffs pretty well.
PM is significantly better in ling fights; however, she can't hold a candle to Corvus in 95% of the fights.
SG will be a more useful champ in the game.
They have like the same utility and same ramp up
No. No they don't.
True, character traits and emotions have a massive influence on their abilities, you are 100% right on that. It's one of the biggest factors I acknowledge whenever I make my character builds.
Now for She Hulk, I think she gains all those fury buffs not because she's getting pissed, rather she's getting more confident. From what I know from She-Hulk, she's always been a lot more confident with herself ever since she became a hulk. In the game, she gains a passive fury whenever the Opponent is baited into a special attack. Shulk would realize the Opponent's mistake and fight harder in the moment of opportunity, causing the Opponent to bait more Special Attacks and the whole cycle starts over. Think about how Star-Lord gets a Fury Buff or does more damage with his Sig. To me, I think Star-Lord does more damage because he's able to find some type of rhythm to his attacks (he is a music guy), making it easier to attack the Opponent. It shows that Fury effects don't really have to come from a character that's pissed. Well, from what I think.
Yep, spidergwen has evicerate, extra physical damage, and able to avoid those annoying unblockable sps like for example a spiderman on unblockable sp1. Plus 100% removes evade and unstoppable( although she hulk has that too)
I don’t understand where you’re going with that.