Should MCOC have a 2 Star Only AW Season ???

LOL......hey it would be a fun season to try out on the game.......if not for fun just for a laugh what you Guys and Gals think of this AW idea 

I quit playing wars, because groups manipulated matches (10 newbies and 1 guy with all max 6* VS our team of roughly equal 3* and 4*).
The 2* wars were some sort of thing cuz of some sort of uproar iirc, don’t remember the specifics anymore.
2* and 3* champs lives matter!
maybe they could've use it between seasons with aw rates frozen,
Only problem is, that's my ONLY maxed out Sparky.
R.I.P: Me
It's a cool idea for a fun event/AW/tournament though!
What you sold champs LOL i thought i was the only one guilty of doing that no no on MCOC
Hmm ok that sounds sort of cool but for me 6 star champs are a headache to max and dupe and it's almost pointless to even go though the trouble of trying to keep them in a collection. The shards on 6 is way to high in the end stupid to have them 5 was way enough.
Hey better to have one maxed out then not i got one at max health 45 sig.....not bad but can't wait until i get him with the 99 sig like my *** Unstoppable Colossus *** the little steel beast that keeps on pounding away and away