The game experienced a brief connectivity issue this morning. The team promptly fixed the issue and things are back to normal, thank you to everyone who passed along reports!
Which Mutant Champion Should Get Buffed ?
Member Posts: 91 ★
Magneto is a premier villain in the franchise. I have neither so i really prefer red cyclops.
- Would love to see a massive revamp to entire mutant class! Also instead of fullly reworking 2 champs game should do a beta for entire class (adding new synergies,diffrent play styles,(for ex. Quake play style would suit on storm like she should gain passive power through charging heavy n can dish out massive sp3 and have diffrent effects as per opponent's power bar like if they have 1 ,cause shock n armour break ,2 power bars shoud causes stun and shock , one or two new animations since they'll have lot of new ones in stick they can apply to old ones and make them feel diffrent)
- Colossus should be able to stack upto 10 armours via spamming his heavy,like charging heavy gains 1 armour of x duration n if he lands it he has chance to convert it to permanent increasing his organic armour by X amount causing diffrent effects on his basic combo.
- 1+ he can cause stun on specials for x sec.
- 3+ cause concussion reducing ability by x and for X sec. on specials
- 5+ reduce their fury and regen potency by x %
- 7+ Gain 1 unbreakable charge on Specials (max stack 2)
- 9+ Cause Armour break of X amount n X sec on opponent on every specials
- At 10 armours immune to stun
She-Hulk+Spidey Gwen Beta last week and buffs likely go live in march.
Come July likely will be beta for whoever then august live buff
But colossus probably needs it the most.
Magneto though is most deserving as he should be a top mutant champ not garbage tier.