Which Mutant Champion Should Get Buffed ?

Which Mutant Champion Should Get Buffed ? 100 votes

Old Man Logan
Foxhero007doctorbThe_Watcher 3 votes
Hort4HotCarlosProxnameplasMabkaZuckFR33_HUG5PaulinodasilvJyotishkaCupidsimolazhiddenblizzardBruinsfan8510DaphboyPrimetime_769PaytoPlayColonaut123Mitchell35King_GarfMathking13KnightNvrEnding 37 votes
Deadpool [X-Force]
Antony687DidzeeJim0172Sixshot1KennadoWerewrymMelkerlanneroBlackFreQuencyrataclansIBlueShiftIBlackJ4zzRehan010_ 12 votes
Austin555555Sheer_ColdZombieZedd 3 votes
Magneto [Both]
Timone147Darkstar4387belli300AxeCopFiremmmbanyasabiew78TendersquadSIlverProfessorManup456WhiteManAlCapone2727SlappapowGuzmaExHavokHammerbro_64axelelf_1TimrosRickybobby1YouconfusedScholia 39 votes
Cyclops [Both]
Daredevi1Fan7Hellboyy9999 2 votes
CassyTawliUltimatesaber32 3 votes
bm3epps 1 vote


  • Ace_QuillAce_Quill Member Posts: 57
    Magneto [Both]
    Red Mags and Blue Cyclops.

    Magneto is a premier villain in the franchise. I have neither so i really prefer red cyclops.
  • TanukiTalesTanukiTales Member Posts: 259 ★★
    Magneto [Both]
    I think Red Cyclops should get a complete re-work and give him a Phoenix Five based kit to separate him from Blue Cyclops, but the Magnetoes deserve buffs more.
  • Cranmer00Cranmer00 Member Posts: 527 ★★
    Magneto [Both]
    Magneto, most powerful but most underrated mutant in the game
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    All of Above!
    - Would love to see a massive revamp to entire mutant class! Also instead of fullly reworking 2 champs game should do a beta for entire class (adding new synergies,diffrent play styles,(for ex. Quake play style would suit on storm like she should gain passive power through charging heavy n can dish out massive sp3 and have diffrent effects as per opponent's power bar like if they have 1 ,cause shock n armour break ,2 power bars shoud causes stun and shock , one or two new animations since they'll have lot of new ones in stick they can apply to old ones and make them feel diffrent)
    - Colossus should be able to stack upto 10 armours via spamming his heavy,like charging heavy gains 1 armour of x duration n if he lands it he has chance to convert it to permanent increasing his organic armour by X amount causing diffrent effects on his basic combo.
    - 1+ he can cause stun on specials for x sec.
    - 3+ cause concussion reducing ability by x and for X sec. on specials
    - 5+ reduce their fury and regen potency by x %
    - 7+ Gain 1 unbreakable charge on Specials (max stack 2)
    - 9+ Cause Armour break of X amount n X sec on opponent on every specials
    - At 10 armours immune to stun
  • FR33_HUG5FR33_HUG5 Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    Colossus should be looked at first. Then Magneto, second.
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,748 ★★★★★
    Venom+Carnage Beta was september and buffs went live october.

    She-Hulk+Spidey Gwen Beta last week and buffs likely go live in march.

    Come July likely will be beta for whoever then august live buff
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Colossus is my favourite Marvel superhero, so I'm a bit biased here. But then again, Colossus has been a meme for so long, he has to be top priority. I think the Magneto's are a close second.
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Magneto [Both]
    Magneto and colossus
  • Sixshot1Sixshot1 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    Deadpool [X-Force]
    Any garbage mutants in the six star crystal.
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Magneto [Both]
    Can’t pick they all need a little love...

    But colossus probably needs it the most.

    Magneto though is most deserving as he should be a top mutant champ not garbage tier.
  • LD_Studios97LD_Studios97 Member Posts: 165
    I don't even mind x pool deadforce
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