how many year we have to wait for the DISLIKE BUTTON IN THE FORUMS?
Come on Kabam how hard is it really?
We have the right to dislike a comment or post. Trying to reflect that everything is dandy is like liying to ourselves. If you dont like DISLIKE just add a DISAGREE BUTTON.
Come on Kabam how hard is it really?
We have the right to dislike a comment or post. Trying to reflect that everything is dandy is like liying to ourselves. If you dont like DISLIKE just add a DISAGREE BUTTON.
This discussion has been closed.
Lol by that argument above people are exploiting the like button. No one can disagree post of Mods either. How is this a clear good faith conversation between developers and summoners? We are not really truthful to ourselves
I agree. Players cannot have a conversation on this forum unless everyone is praising kabam. If you post anything negative (even constuctive) mods just delete or close the topic. Never has been fair but it is what it is
Sometimes theres a good conversation going on and all you hear is the few loud ones on each side. I’d like to see what majority likes
So if we dont get a disagree button just remove the abuse or spam.
The reason why there's no dislike or disagree button is because there's a specific reason why the "like" buttons exist. You're supposed to respond constructively to all posts and you're supposed to add something to the conversation. But sometimes you have nothing to add except that you agree with something. The agree/like/insightful/awesome buttons are there for that: to prevent "I agree" posts.
However, it is possible to simply agree with everything said, and have literally no way to add anything. But if you disagree, you're supposed to state in what way you disagree. There's no such thing as constructive default unspecified disagreement. Basically, there's only one way to agree, but lots of ways to disagree. You're supposed to state one of them.
Put simply, the like/agree buttons are there not to allow people to agree, but to give them a way to agree without having to post trivial "I agree" posts. But you have no right to disagree without stating how. That's considered not constructive, and the buttons aren't intended to be pseudo-polls.
I choose to disagree constructively with your post. There is not a valid reason why a dislike button should not exist.
I disagree with them all the time. Ironically, the few moderation warnings I've gotten have had nothing to do with disagreeing with them or even with criticizing Kabam. In fact, I'll bet I've been moderated for rules violations that no one else in the history of the game ever stumbled across, or ever will. But criticizing Kabam's actions? Never had a problem with that.
And again, for that reason and others, it would be exploited. Take someone like me, for example. A person that isn't very likeable on the forums. People would just hit the disagree button all day every day, on every single post, for absolutely no reason other than enjoyment.
The button won't achieve anything. It would actually do worse.
For example Summoner A says: “kabam lets nerf Ghost, please lower her attack/critical to half” a simple disagree button means I oppose your idea. Why? Who cares why? It does not make sense to nerf a champ after release because release means it has been tested and people invested resources and real money to get the champ as is. So why change it to make the champ worse.
AGAIN self explanatory
So lets remove all the freaking buttons then and be honest with one another.
The reason only has to be valid to the operators of the forum. I'm simply informing you, not arguing with you. I don't operate the forums, and have no power to give you the button you want. The only people with that power are unlikely to respond to "all your reasons are invalid now give me what I want" but maybe you'll be the first person in the history of forever to have that line of argument work on a human being. There has to be a first time for everything.
Let me inform you that the mayority of the summoners would like to have a disagree button in the forums. Why have an agree one then. No all is positive flying unicorns.
One person agreed so far haha
Much better idea that adding a "disagree" button named "dislike". Take my "agree" on that
There is some progress right there
This is not your inside voice. You're actually typing on a keyboard now.
What percentage of summoners? Where is this data available? How did you compile it? What parameters dis you use to get the data?
Can we call it "CapWW2" instead of "dislike" since they go hand in hand?
Here we go again. You profile picture suits you very well. Go back to play kid
I think it suits me very well. Ben Grimm is awesome.... So about the "mayority" (your spelling, not mine) of summoners wanting a "dislike" button..... Wheres that data at? Still waiting.
Did you finish variant, and LOL? Where is the data?
Always skirting the questions. "DISLIKE"
I did.
Can you answer now?
I know you did. You are a pro.