some people have millions of gold, and they are against gold realm.
it's like if they feel forced to participate in every single event.
don't need gold? good for you. then don't play it. its as simple as that.
you're rich, and that's fine. but is there a good reason why you don't want broke people to earn some?
Earning = arena
You don't have enough champs then. I hit all milestones weekly and am constantly low on gold because I average 2-3 4* a week and a new R5 per week.
What do you consider enough? I'm certainly not top tier but i'm around 330k rating. The 4 stars are all just dupes mostly so you shouldn't be running out of gold.
No I don't go for the 15 mil arena, too much
Name one place besides arena.
Questing or opening crystals, selling iOS