I’m going to take a guess and say you’re new to the game? Don’t get too upset about it l, it’s a part of the game and with time you’ll realize that double, triple, even 4x, is all very doable and, in fact, easy. Just keep practicing and familiarizing yourself with the most effective ways to use champs. For example, you don’t want to use drax against cable, ever (bleed causes you to degen).
But as to WHY on that arena match... As your Win Streak increases, each matchup (rating differential) gets harder and harder. What would be an even matchup around Streak=4 turns into all opponents being 1 rank higher than yours by Streak=7, 2 ranks higher by Streak=10. Etc, up until you can reach Streak 15 (with high enough heroes to sustain the “unlimited streak” of comparable opponents).
At Streak 9 as shown, you could try bringing 2 stronger heroes with a 3rd very low hero, and average strength on opponent will be brought down enough to at least win the 2 fights with your stronger ones (and maintain streak). Or just start Streak over if you don't have many strong heroes.
At Streak 9 as shown, you could try bringing 2 stronger heroes with a 3rd very low hero, and average strength on opponent will be brought down enough to at least win the 2 fights with your stronger ones (and maintain streak). Or just start Streak over if you don't have many strong heroes.