


  • Abolitionist333_Abolitionist333_ Member Posts: 426
    edited March 2019

    A Casino? Please inform me how logging on to an App equates to playing a Casino? I'm sorry, but your analogies aren't even in sync with what we're talking about.
    It's not RNG, or Loot Crates, or any form of taking a chance. Dude, you're turning the game on. It's a Bonus. Not payment. Not due supplement. It's not owed. It's added incentive, and NOT AT ALL the focus of the game.
    We go through this at least 4 months out of the year. Not all months will have mind-blowing Rewards in the Calendar. They can't all be 5* and 6* Shards. Who would play the game at all if that was the case? Turn it on, collect your loot, and build an Account. There are games that exist like that. Farmville is lovely.
    As long as there has been a Calendar, there have been some months with more than others. That's just how it is. Not to mention all the other Special Event Calendars and other incentives. Perhaps that's the real issue. You give too much, and some people expect equal or better everytime. That's not how game balance works.

    Again, you’ve missed my concept.

    You compared casinos with logging in? I’ve never made that comparison. I’ve been making the comparison with casinos for people who *Spend* money like at a casino vs people who are casual and jus come for the experience and free stuff.

    The spenders should not be receiving the same appreciation package as a casual. It’s not only illogical but it creates no incentive for the free to play to even buy anything.

    It’s bad business model, and a horrible concept.

    It’s outdated like their basic appreciation package
    No. YOU are missing the point.
    Everyone collects the same Calendar, but your dependency is outdated. Meaning, it's meant to help people starting out who are logging in everyday and trying to build their Accounts. By the time someone reaches the point that they have no use for the Rewards in it, they don't need it anymore. They're earning better Rewards in harder content.
    You're free to collect it just like anyone else, but don't be surprised if it doesn't inceease to a more advanced level of progression. Once again, turning the App on is not all there is to playing the game. That's not how you earn Rewards.
    That’s the problem, everyone shouldn’t be only collecting the same appreciation package of logging in and playing when the game increases cost and people spend x amount of money.

    There’s not any incentive for the free to play to buy anything if they can jus play and earn the same rewards through events. There should be a difference which gives an incentive for more cash for Kabam and Kabam is lacking in it.

    Casinos show their differences between spenders. Maybe this game should become 21 and older like casinos are? Idk. The free to play should not be able to gloat and make their spenders regret their purchases by extending a gesture of a safety net of being happy which would be found in the extra calendar; which the gloating free to play players can’t get their hands on.

    Appreciate your spenders!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★


    A Casino? Please inform me how logging on to an App equates to playing a Casino? I'm sorry, but your analogies aren't even in sync with what we're talking about.
    It's not RNG, or Loot Crates, or any form of taking a chance. Dude, you're turning the game on. It's a Bonus. Not payment. Not due supplement. It's not owed. It's added incentive, and NOT AT ALL the focus of the game.
    We go through this at least 4 months out of the year. Not all months will have mind-blowing Rewards in the Calendar. They can't all be 5* and 6* Shards. Who would play the game at all if that was the case? Turn it on, collect your loot, and build an Account. There are games that exist like that. Farmville is lovely.
    As long as there has been a Calendar, there have been some months with more than others. That's just how it is. Not to mention all the other Special Event Calendars and other incentives. Perhaps that's the real issue. You give too much, and some people expect equal or better everytime. That's not how game balance works.

    Again, you’ve missed my concept.

    You compared casinos with logging in? I’ve never made that comparison. I’ve been making the comparison with casinos for people who *Spend* money like at a casino vs people who are casual and jus come for the experience and free stuff.

    The spenders should not be receiving the same appreciation package as a casual. It’s not only illogical but it creates no incentive for the free to play to even buy anything.

    It’s bad business model, and a horrible concept.

    It’s outdated like their basic appreciation package
    No. YOU are missing the point.
    Everyone collects the same Calendar, but your dependency is outdated. Meaning, it's meant to help people starting out who are logging in everyday and trying to build their Accounts. By the time someone reaches the point that they have no use for the Rewards in it, they don't need it anymore. They're earning better Rewards in harder content.
    You're free to collect it just like anyone else, but don't be surprised if it doesn't inceease to a more advanced level of progression. Once again, turning the App on is not all there is to playing the game. That's not how you earn Rewards.
    That’s the problem, everyone shouldn’t be only collecting the same appreciation package of logging in and playing when the game increases cost and people spend x amount of money.

    There’s not any incentive for the free to play to buy anything if they can jus play and earn the same rewards through events. There should be difference which gives an incentive for more cash for Kabam and Kabam is lacking in it.
    You calling it an Appreciation Package doesn't make it one.
    Spending has nothing to do with it. You know what you get for spending? What you pay for. Notwithstanding the TOS that states we don't actually own anything, you receive access to what you lease to play. You get what you pay for. That doesn't entitle you to preferrential treatment and better Login Rewards. Unless you purchase said Rewards in the form of a Daily Card. It's the fact that it's for everyone that limits what they put into it, and that's by design. It's not a separation of Classes. There is also an additive for Uncollected Players that those who aren't don't have access to. Doesn't matter that we've spent money. That doesn't mean we deserve a better Bonus Calendar. We're not Shareholders.
  • Abolitionist333_Abolitionist333_ Member Posts: 426
    edited March 2019
    Drooped2 said:

    It’s borderline insulting. They should implement another appreciation package based on x amount, and then reveal that amount. Stop submitting to the complaints of free to play accounts because a lot of them are the same ones laughing and gloating to your heavier spenders when they get the better champs.

    Appreciate the money!

    Lol stop submitting to the complaints from f2p and your complaints instead?

    Sorry you arent special. Sorry you spend money and only get what you buy and arent treated differently based on that.

    Omg the entitlement is amazing in this one..

    Wah wah wah I spent money I deserve better free stuff.
    God I wish kabam would end the login calendars for ever
    Nope! Don’t submit to my complaints either!

    The x amount calendar would speak for itself. Kabam has missed this opportunity and a lot of the free to play accounts are gloating in their spenders’ faces and then being respected by them on the forum when they overrun posts with outdated ideas and bad business models
  • Abolitionist333_Abolitionist333_ Member Posts: 426
    Drooped2 said:

    You’re right, that is the definition. I’ve never said I believe to have deserved the appreciation package. I’m saying implement one for the sake of creating an incentive for free to play and making their spenders happy.

    This entitlement argument has become outdated as well; how many times can I say I don’t deserve the appreciation package? No one does.

    The definition of belief to deserve special treatment does not apply to me or this concept. #Next
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    Drooped2 said:

    Drooped2 said:

    You’re right, that is the definition. I’ve never said I believe to have deserved the appreciation package. I’m saying implement one for the sake of creating an incentive for free to play and making their spenders happy.

    This entitlement argument has become outdated as well; how many times can I say I don’t deserve the appreciation package? No one does.

    The definition of belief to deserve special treatment does not apply to me or this concept. #Next
    Ok you want it but by your own admission dont deserve it.

    Abolitionist333_ said:
    It’s borderline insulting. They should implement another appreciation package based on x amount, and then reveal that amount. Stop submitting to the complaints of free to play accounts because a lot of them are the same ones laughing and gloating to your heavier spenders when they get the better champs.

    Appreciate the money!

  • Abolitionist333_Abolitionist333_ Member Posts: 426

    Drooped2 said:

    Drooped2 said:

    You’re right, that is the definition. I’ve never said I believe to have deserved the appreciation package. I’m saying implement one for the sake of creating an incentive for free to play and making their spenders happy.

    This entitlement argument has become outdated as well; how many times can I say I don’t deserve the appreciation package? No one does.

    The definition of belief to deserve special treatment does not apply to me or this concept. #Next
    Ok you want it but by your own admission dont deserve it.

    Abolitionist333_ said:
    It’s borderline insulting. They should implement another appreciation package based on x amount, and then reveal that amount. Stop submitting to the complaints of free to play accounts because a lot of them are the same ones laughing and gloating to your heavier spenders when they get the better champs.

    Appreciate the money!

    Yep! Exactly! They should implement that to show appreciation of funds, which would create an incentive for free to play accounts to buy something and encourage their spenders.

    We don’t deserve this business model. If they implement it, it is still an appreciation package which help makes spenders a little happier when free to play accounts laugh and gloat because of a better champ.

    They should implement this appreciation package because they aren’t showing any difference of appreciation than that of free to play! Your free to play accounts are Laughing and Gloating over your heavy spenders!
  • Abolitionist333_Abolitionist333_ Member Posts: 426
    edited March 2019
    I’m very surprised that Kabam let’s their free to play accounts laugh and gloat in the faces of their spenders. It’s such an awful business practice to not try to at least give them different rewards that they can’t get their hands on as a free to play.
  • Abolitionist333_Abolitionist333_ Member Posts: 426
    Drooped2 said:

    Drooped2 said:

    You’re right, that is the definition. I’ve never said I believe to have deserved the appreciation package. I’m saying implement one for the sake of creating an incentive for free to play and making their spenders happy.

    This entitlement argument has become outdated as well; how many times can I say I don’t deserve the appreciation package? No one does.

    The definition of belief to deserve special treatment does not apply to me or this concept. #Next
    Ok you want it but by your own admission dont deserve it.

    Exactly! Now you’re getting it! This is called a request!

    Why should free to play accounts be able to laugh and gloat in the faces of their spenders without giving different resources primarily to their spenders that the free to play can’t get their hands on to ease the pain of bad pulls?

  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    If only they would listen to you they’d be making millions every month! Oh wait...
  • Abolitionist333_Abolitionist333_ Member Posts: 426
    edited March 2019
    DarthPhal said:

    If only they would listen to you they’d be making millions every month! Oh wait...

    Whatever dude... Another dysfunctional argument.. it’s not even a shocker why this community hasn’t received more
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★

  • Abolitionist333_Abolitionist333_ Member Posts: 426
    I’m done. Bye. I shouldn’t be the only one speaking in favor of it as much as I am anyway.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019

    I’m very surprised that Kabam let’s their free to play accounts laugh and gloat in the faces of their spenders. It’s such an awful business practice to not try to at least give them different rewards that they can’t get their hands on as a free to play.

    You've got to be kidding. How do you call everyone receiving the same Calendar laughing and gloating? There's nothing to gloat over. They are NOT going to give more Calendar Login Rewards to people just because they spend money and are not Free-To-Play. This is not The Titanic. The Lifeboats won't be seated according to Class. If your argument was that you think the Calendar should contain more, that's a reasonable feeling, albeit blind to the fact that no matter what they give is a Bonus and not owed, but still a reasonable request and feeling just the same. However, if your argument is you think you should get more for free because you spend on the game, then you're investing way too much into the idea that it somehow makes you more important. I can tell you, it does not. No matter what you spend or don't spend, you get the same as everyone else. That is called fairness. What you can't have is EVERYTHING you want, just because you feel you are owed it. That's because life is not as fair as the Calendar.
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    That gold crystal idea is great. The gold we get in the calendars atm is so minuscule.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    DarthHaas said:

    @DrZola laying down the truth! I’m gonna say it’s outdated for a lot of the end game users. It’s “free” so I can’t conplain, well everything I do on this game is my choice so I shouldn’t complain about any of it. But asking or making the suggestion for a tiered calendar above the weekly one is not wrong. It’s all in the presentation peeps!

    This is what I find funny about the never ending calendar threads. It's a bunch of people in end game and near it saying it's outdated. That's an incredibly small percentage of the total player base. While the calendar items may seem trivial to you (and myself included) that doesn't mean that they still aren't good for the vast majority of players.
  • Trill_Fam_YounginTrill_Fam_Youngin Member Posts: 17
    Jesus, I go to sleep an wake up to 80 some notifications... y’all been going at it! Lol
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,893 ★★★★★
    The canard used quite often is that t

    DarthHaas said:

    @DrZola laying down the truth! I’m gonna say it’s outdated for a lot of the end game users. It’s “free” so I can’t conplain, well everything I do on this game is my choice so I shouldn’t complain about any of it. But asking or making the suggestion for a tiered calendar above the weekly one is not wrong. It’s all in the presentation peeps!

    This is what I find funny about the never ending calendar threads. It's a bunch of people in end game and near it saying it's outdated. That's an incredibly small percentage of the total player base. While the calendar items may seem trivial to you (and myself included) that doesn't mean that they still aren't good for the vast majority of players.
    And that’s fine. I have no issue with the calendar content; I assume it’s somehow attuned to the target player groups the game team wants to keep active or convert to active or paying status.

    My sole issue is the steady drumbeat of “it’s all free, you don’t have to do anything, they just want to boost lower players.” In my opinion, that’s a naive viewpoint in 2019.

    Dr. Zola
  • AkhilxcxAkhilxcx Member Posts: 255 ★★
    DrZola said:

    The canard used quite often is that t

    DarthHaas said:

    @DrZola laying down the truth! I’m gonna say it’s outdated for a lot of the end game users. It’s “free” so I can’t conplain, well everything I do on this game is my choice so I shouldn’t complain about any of it. But asking or making the suggestion for a tiered calendar above the weekly one is not wrong. It’s all in the presentation peeps!

    This is what I find funny about the never ending calendar threads. It's a bunch of people in end game and near it saying it's outdated. That's an incredibly small percentage of the total player base. While the calendar items may seem trivial to you (and myself included) that doesn't mean that they still aren't good for the vast majority of players.
    And that’s fine. I have no issue with the calendar content; I assume it’s somehow attuned to the target player groups the game team wants to keep active or convert to active or paying status.

    My sole issue is the steady drumbeat of “it’s all free, you don’t have to do anything, they just want to boost lower players.” In my opinion, that’s a naive viewpoint in 2019.

    Dr. Zola
    people cannot complain or give any suggestions about the rewards in forums without getting their threads derailed is becoming common on this forums. when people try to request for more stuff some so called (idiots) legendary players don't want to get free rewarding stuff for absolutely no reasons at all. all they want is just increased difficulty with same rewards as 2017 and people not complaining about all the rng and difficulties
  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,316 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    Yea, I'm with you on converting the gold days into Gold crystals. 1k/2k gold is ridiculously low and, frankly, shows the company is maybe out of touch with where their game currently stands. Or they just don't care about keeping the small things up to date.

    The game's progression is completely changed. Newer players can get higher star champs a lot faster than before. It shouldn't be a crazy increase, but there definitely should be a reflection of how the game has changed.

    Because honestly I would rather those gold days are taken out and the calendar condensed into fewer days if those gold days mean 1k or 2k gold.
  • TheVyrusTheVyrus Member Posts: 418 ★★★
    I didn't have the time to read every single post throughout this thread, but I think that people are missing the point of the calendar. It is not to keep end game players logging in, they already are addicted and log in multiple times a day. The purpose is to keep low and mid-tier players logging in. They are the ones that are behind the curve and lose interest when difficult content is released.

    It is the same as low and mid-tier players complaining that Kabam is screwing them with Epic nodes that they are not ready for and end game players just give them the old "Git Good". That content is for end game players.

    Kabam has to cater to a lot of different people, skill levels, and budgets.
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