War’s are not giving season points [Merged Threads]



  • TheBigSchemeTheBigScheme Member Posts: 60
    Still nothing? What monday exactly did u guys plan to fix this? First one in season 10? Or not even then
  • Captaineli6410Captaineli6410 Member Posts: 25
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Wolf we need answers and a fix ASAP. You have all been silent since Miike said a fix was pushed on Monday. This is Wednesday and still no fix. The leaderboard shows we have 1,551,105 points but we should actually have 2,441,160 points. And we have tried to submit tickets and keep getting generic responses that the issue has been fixed. It’s obviously not fixed. The leaderboard should have been pulled and not made live until this is ACTUALLY FIXED. Alliances invest way to much time, energy and resources in war seasons to be having to deal with this ****.
  • Orangeblood19Orangeblood19 Member Posts: 21
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra I have submitted 2 tickets and continue to receive the same response - that the issue has been resolved. However we are still missing all of the points from our first war, and they are not reflected in the season total.

  • Maverick03820Maverick03820 Member Posts: 159
    edited March 2019
    i received the same response on my second ticket as I did on the first. However the issue is not solved and my alliance still hasn't received our points.
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Hi all!

    For those alliances awarded missing points, please check the "Season" screen in game for the point total, as it will be displayed there not on the "Results" screen for the individual war.
  • DroidDoesDroidDoes Member Posts: 411 ★★

    Hi all!

    For those alliances awarded missing points, please check the "Season" screen in game for the point total, as it will be displayed there not on the "Results" screen for the individual war.

    To confirm, is it still a work in progress awarding missing points, or do we need to submit a ticket? We lost our first war, so we’re not missing the victory bonus, but the points from that war are not included in our total season amount as reflected in the Season tab.
  • Strikeer88Strikeer88 Member Posts: 15
    @Kabam Lyra nope it does not show there and now have had 2 tickets shut down saying it’s resolved. This is not fair and not right we have been cheated a lot of points here is the math
    We fought 3 tier 4 wars so would have a 4.5 multiplier.
    War 3
    197,980 x 4.5=890,910

    War 2
    197,170 x 4.5=887,265

    147420 x 4.5=

    Season total listed

    If you add wars war and 2 you get
    890,910+887,265= 1,778,175

    So if you see here war 1 has not been added at all. We won war 1 so should have received the 50,000 bonus for the win
    147,420+50,000= 197,420 x 4.5= 888,390

    We are short 888,390 this is what’s missing our points total for the season should be


    It is instead 1,778,175
    This should all be easily verifiable in game I have all the total screenshots etc. so as you can see it is not fixed at least not for all and the forums have many saying the same.

  • Strikeer88Strikeer88 Member Posts: 15
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Wolf
    See my above post this is not fixed and you can’t even submit a ticket they give you a generic response is my only option now to file a fraud report with apple? I can’t get anyone in support or here to look into it so getting very frustrated. The point total we should have would put us in the Plat 3 group instead of low gold 1
  • Orangeblood19Orangeblood19 Member Posts: 21

    Hi all!

    For those alliances awarded missing points, please check the "Season" screen in game for the point total, as it will be displayed there not on the "Results" screen for the individual war.

    @Kabam Miike
    I've already checked. The season total shows 1.150 million, which is the total of our 2nd and 3rd war of the season. It does not include the points from the first war - the screenshot above.
  • TheBigSchemeTheBigScheme Member Posts: 60

    Hi all!

    For those alliances awarded missing points, please check the "Season" screen in game for the point total, as it will be displayed there not on the "Results" screen for the individual war.

    Like many others here said..... points are not there maybe tell your guys to check if everyone got them and not always try to push stuff on us to check and remind you all the time.
  • nienienienienienie Member Posts: 67

    Hi all!

    For those alliances awarded missing points, please check the "Season" screen in game for the point total, as it will be displayed there not on the "Results" screen for the individual war.

    Hi - just checked again - our alliance's season score does not contain any points for our first season 8 war or the 50k victory bonus. We are in a 3+ multiplier tier and our listed season score if 970k (which is the total for wars 2 and 3 only). We should have approximately another 450k for the first war. @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Miike
  • Strikeer88Strikeer88 Member Posts: 15
    What’s so frustrating is no one here or support will actually take the time to look we just keep getting the same generic answer it’s fixed when it clearly isn’t for everyone please take 5 min to run the math on the alliances posting here that it’s not fully fixed. That math is easy I layed it out in a post for my alliance above.
  • Maverick03820Maverick03820 Member Posts: 159

    Hi all!

    For those alliances awarded missing points, please check the "Season" screen in game for the point total, as it will be displayed there not on the "Results" screen for the individual war.

    @Kabam Lyra The points showing on our "Season" screen are a sum of war 2 and war 3. we have received no points for war 1 still. Issue is definitely not fixed.
  • RemeliRemeli Member Posts: 608 ★★★

    Hi all!

    For those alliances awarded missing points, please check the "Season" screen in game for the point total, as it will be displayed there not on the "Results" screen for the individual war.

    Thats got to be the worst answer ever given. All it shows is that you guys are not even reading the post people are making.

    Leaderboard is now up. My alliance is showing 1 218 786 pts. That is the total from war 2 (631 296) and 3 (587 490). War 1 should have given us 464 640 pts. So if the problem was solved, our season total should be 1 683 426pts.

    You guy are not listening.

    https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/profile/Kabam Miike
    https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/profile/Kabam Lyra
  • nienienienienienie Member Posts: 67

  • nienienienienienie Member Posts: 67
    More recent screenshots related my comment above - thanks
  • Cat_MurdockCat_Murdock Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,096 Content Creator
    This is an issue with my alliance as well. We have received no points at ALL for our first War, and now the Leaderboard has placed us low Silver 2 instead of low Gold 3. We should have 846,704 points instead of just under 500k
  • Captaineli6410Captaineli6410 Member Posts: 25

    Hi all!

    For those alliances awarded missing points, please check the "Season" screen in game for the point total, as it will be displayed there not on the "Results" screen for the individual war.

    You are obviously just burying your head in the sand. The “SEASON” screen is WRONG as well which means our rank is wrong. It has totally eliminated all the points from the first war of the season for all the alliances that were supposed to get fixed for missing out on the win bonus. Just look at what we are saying and the screen shots people are posting. Or better yet go in and check out our alliance (tag is TDKW) and you will see that we are currently only receiving season point totals on the leaderboard and the “season” screen for wars 2 and 3 and that all points are missing for war 1.
  • AndyMatayAndyMatay Member Posts: 4
    This is pictures of our 3 first wars of season 8 and you can se that we dident get season points for the 1 war.

  • AndyMatayAndyMatay Member Posts: 4

  • AndyMatayAndyMatay Member Posts: 4
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Thanks for checking the Season page just in case. If your Alliance is still missing points, can you please let us know the Alliance name and tag?
  • RemeliRemeli Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    A lot of alliance are like that.

    Unfortunately, Kabam thinks they fixed the issue last Monday and refuse to acknowledge their fix didnt work for everyone. There's a post about it in bugs. Kabam support closes every ticket about it saying its been fixed despite pictures showing it hasnt and the mods here just keep saying its been fix without reading all the posts of people that show its not.

    Typical Kabam really...
  • AndyMatayAndyMatay Member Posts: 4
    Remeli said:

    A lot of alliance are like that.

    Unfortunately, Kabam thinks they fixed the issue last Monday and refuse to acknowledge their fix didnt work for everyone. There's a post about it in bugs. Kabam support closes every ticket about it saying its been fixed despite pictures showing it hasnt and the mods here just keep saying its been fix without reading all the posts of people that show its not.

    Typical Kabam really...

    That really sucks. We are gonna lose 500K points because they want fix it.
  • AndyMatayAndyMatay Member Posts: 4
    You dont need to be a rocket science to understand that if you win 3 wars and you get 500K points for each that you should have 1.5 million points. We now have 1 million points :smiley:
  • Ggeorg10Ggeorg10 Member Posts: 46
    Some story here!!!
    Zero points for the first War!!!
    This must fixed ASAP...
  • Maverick03820Maverick03820 Member Posts: 159
    edited March 2019

    Thanks for checking the Season page just in case. If your Alliance is still missing points, can you please let us know the Alliance name and tag?

    @Kabam Lyra We haven't gotten any points from first war of the season. See alliance name and tag below. Thanks!

    IGN: Maverick03820
    Alliance name: true legends
    Tag: calii
  • TheBigSchemeTheBigScheme Member Posts: 60

  • Captaineli6410Captaineli6410 Member Posts: 25

    Thanks for checking the Season page just in case. If your Alliance is still missing points, can you please let us know the Alliance name and tag?

    Alliance name: The Darkness Within
    Alliance tag: TDKW

    We are missing all the points from the first war of this season.

    We have submitted multiple tickets and just keep getting back that “it is fixed and the ticket is closed”. So it does absolutely no good to submit help tickets on this.
  • TheBigSchemeTheBigScheme Member Posts: 60
    Those 3 together should be over 2 mil pts.... not to mention first one doesnt have the win bonus aswell..... the points we have are the exact count of war 2 and 3
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