Game Down 03/05 [Merged Threads]



  • Gblake1965Gblake1965 Member Posts: 23
    Kabam just need's to buck up and scrap this war and NOBODY gets any points for it. Only Fair way to reconcile. Add an extra war or not don't care but this last one should not count for anyone.
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★

    Kabam just need's to buck up and scrap this war and NOBODY gets any points for it. Only Fair way to reconcile. Add an extra war or not don't care but this last one should not count for anyone.

    I fail to see how this is fair to alliances that spent items and won this war, especially in situations where both sides finished well before the outage.
  • SSofLimboSSofLimbo Member Posts: 148
    Game is still down for me
  • Scmex21Scmex21 Member Posts: 85
    We lost a war due to emergency maintainence.
    Dicersity high, attack bonus high, guys got on a boss fight and could not get in game to finish one boss. Frustrating.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,018 ★★★★★
    Will we be receiving any sort of compensation or apology for this? I got thrown out of an arena and it totally shot my champs' refresh timers. It's not as bad as losing a war, but it's still irritating because this shouldn't be happening anymore.
  • imakehosesimakehoses Member Posts: 3
    I’m trying to continue the fight that froze just before the emergency maintenance started and it continually crashes.

    I’m in 3.1 of Ultrons Assault. How can I end this quest if I can’t finish a fight?

    Same ign as here
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★

    We better get a compensation. This is honestly bs.

    Not to pour salt on the wound, but they won because they cleared all 3 Bosses. You were at the Boss, given the Exploration. If you couldn't down them at that point, I'm not sure an extra 45 minutes would have helped.
  • Orange_juice24Orange_juice24 Member Posts: 1

    Fight earlier. Don’t die as much, outages suck and are beyond anyone’s control. Alliances leaving wars to the last hour is controllable.

    To a degree. People have lives, jobs, events, and families they can't neglect for a stupid game. Some people in the same alliance don't live in the same timezone or even the same country. So more often than not, given the nature of the game, it comes down to the last 1 or 2 hours. It doesn't matter how fast you finish as long as you finish. This isn't as big of a deal for people running AQ maps below map 6 unless they were in the middle of fighting Kingpin when the outage hit. However, it's the complete opposite in AW. It's kinda like a race. It doesn't matter how well you do throughout the race, if you don't cross the line first, it does nothing for you. Same with AW. It doesn't matter how fast you get the bosses down. If the other alliance does the same with less deaths, you lose right? Well that's where the last 2 hours of AW are extremely important and anxiety inducing. Because you know that if the other team didn't dig themselves a really deep hole in those last hours they can bring it back when everyone wakes up or gets off work or whatever. But this outage took that chance away from every alliance. Some were on the losing side due to it and others won because of the maintenance. But no one got the opportunity to get that final push for the victory nevermind claiming the win if you were in the middle of taking on a boss. So your statement is from the perspective of that of the privileged. It's like a rich guy telling a poor man to just not be poor. You need to open up your mind bro. Stop being a bigot or a troll. Whichever you're choosing to be.
  • Jawarrior2001Jawarrior2001 Member Posts: 303

    We better get a compensation. This is honestly bs.

    Not to pour salt on the wound, but they won because they cleared all 3 Bosses. You were at the Boss, given the Exploration. If you couldn't down them at that point, I'm not sure an extra 45 minutes would have helped.
    Between revives/items/boosts/multiple champs, it's entirely possible they could've taken the boss down, for all we know the members with the best chance of killing the boss were unable to play earlier due to work/sleep/other and tried to log into the game to kill the boss, but due to more downtime were unable.
  • CornholioCornholio Member Posts: 50
    Y’all servers blow! Don’t understand why it’s gotten so bad. We didn’t finish the boss in bg3 because of you.
  • RogerRabsRogerRabs Member Posts: 548 ★★★★

    We better get a compensation. This is honestly bs.

    Not to pour salt on the wound, but they won because they cleared all 3 Bosses. You were at the Boss, given the Exploration. If you couldn't down them at that point, I'm not sure an extra 45 minutes would have helped.
    You have no way of knowing that. We routinely clear the boss in the last hour to see if we need to use items and try for a solo or if we can tag team it.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★

    We better get a compensation. This is honestly bs.

    Not to pour salt on the wound, but they won because they cleared all 3 Bosses. You were at the Boss, given the Exploration. If you couldn't down them at that point, I'm not sure an extra 45 minutes would have helped.
    Poor analysis. You can see by the defenders remaining that only 1 defender remained, which was the boss. Given that there were 45 minutes left, they had a significantly higher attack bonus than the opponent (which means lower deaths), and they had already cleared 149 nodes, it’s pretty reasonable to say they would’ve downed the boss. If they had downed the boss the score would’ve been 147,850 to 144,260 and they would’ve won.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★

    We better get a compensation. This is honestly bs.

    Not to pour salt on the wound, but they won because they cleared all 3 Bosses. You were at the Boss, given the Exploration. If you couldn't down them at that point, I'm not sure an extra 45 minutes would have helped.
    Between revives/items/boosts/multiple champs, it's entirely possible they could've taken the boss down, for all we know the members with the best chance of killing the boss were unable to play earlier due to work/sleep/other and tried to log into the game to kill the boss, but due to more downtime were unable.
    Possible, perhaps. Likely, not so much. If they're siting at 99.7% before the game goes down, chances are there's a reason for that. They couldn't take it down is the most likely possibility. Some cases may have led people to lose the War. I find it very difficult to believe that many Wars were destined to win had the game not gone down. Some maybe, not as many as are claimed. Which is why I'm looking at the Stats to deduce the probability.
    In any case, it's very difficult to compensate for something like that. They can't assume one side would have won and give them the Win. There may be something they can do in terms of Rewards, but that entirely depends on their decision, and that's usually based on the overall effect of the outage. It was only down a short time so I don't know what they will decide. In regards to "could have won", they can't really decide that in any type of data-based fashion.
  • jnikolas92jnikolas92 Member Posts: 192 ★★★

    We better get a compensation. This is honestly bs.

    Not to pour salt on the wound, but they won because they cleared all 3 Bosses. You were at the Boss, given the Exploration. If you couldn't down them at that point, I'm not sure an extra 45 minutes would have helped.
    Between revives/items/boosts/multiple champs, it's entirely possible they could've taken the boss down, for all we know the members with the best chance of killing the boss were unable to play earlier due to work/sleep/other and tried to log into the game to kill the boss, but due to more downtime were unable.
    Possible, perhaps. Likely, not so much. If they're siting at 99.7% before the game goes down, chances are there's a reason for that. They couldn't take it down is the most likely possibility. Some cases may have led people to lose the War. I find it very difficult to believe that many Wars were destined to win had the game not gone down. Some maybe, not as many as are claimed. Which is why I'm looking at the Stats to deduce the probability.
    In any case, it's very difficult to compensate for something like that. They can't assume one side would have won and give them the Win. There may be something they can do in terms of Rewards, but that entirely depends on their decision, and that's usually based on the overall effect of the outage. It was only down a short time so I don't know what they will decide. In regards to "could have won", they can't really decide that in any type of data-based fashion.
    totally agreed regarding war. i think its way too hard to find a fair solution for both alliances involved when youre talking about altering season points.
    AQ is a different story however. there needs to be some sort of resolution for alliances who got locked out of completing their maps.
  • Jawarrior2001Jawarrior2001 Member Posts: 303

    We better get a compensation. This is honestly bs.

    Not to pour salt on the wound, but they won because they cleared all 3 Bosses. You were at the Boss, given the Exploration. If you couldn't down them at that point, I'm not sure an extra 45 minutes would have helped.
    Between revives/items/boosts/multiple champs, it's entirely possible they could've taken the boss down, for all we know the members with the best chance of killing the boss were unable to play earlier due to work/sleep/other and tried to log into the game to kill the boss, but due to more downtime were unable.
    Possible, perhaps. Likely, not so much. If they're siting at 99.7% before the game goes down, chances are there's a reason for that. They couldn't take it down is the most likely possibility. Some cases may have led people to lose the War. I find it very difficult to believe that many Wars were destined to win had the game not gone down. Some maybe, not as many as are claimed. Which is why I'm looking at the Stats to deduce the probability.
    In any case, it's very difficult to compensate for something like that. They can't assume one side would have won and give them the Win. There may be something they can do in terms of Rewards, but that entirely depends on their decision, and that's usually based on the overall effect of the outage. It was only down a short time so I don't know what they will decide. In regards to "could have won", they can't really decide that in any type of data-based fashion.
    You say that, which fair enough I see your point, but what if in the map, one player has some good champs, with near full hp, play at the start of the war, and due to work/sleep they can't play during, only at the end, by this time your teammates have cleared all but the boss, leaving you as the prime player to take out the boss, it's happened to me before which is why I say it.

    I see your point, in a game like this you can say A B C could've happened, but X Y Z should've happened. we can try to rationalize it as much as we want, but at the end of the day all we can and will do with events like this is speculate as there is not, nor will ever be, a definitive answer. The only thing we can say with some pretty darn high odds, is that Kabam wont do anything to compensate/resolve issues like this. Their record lately speaks volumes about these sort of events.
  • Dezz_1Dezz_1 Member Posts: 118
    Wth, this is not right
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★

    We better get a compensation. This is honestly bs.

    Not to pour salt on the wound, but they won because they cleared all 3 Bosses. You were at the Boss, given the Exploration. If you couldn't down them at that point, I'm not sure an extra 45 minutes would have helped.
    Between revives/items/boosts/multiple champs, it's entirely possible they could've taken the boss down, for all we know the members with the best chance of killing the boss were unable to play earlier due to work/sleep/other and tried to log into the game to kill the boss, but due to more downtime were unable.
    Possible, perhaps. Likely, not so much. If they're siting at 99.7% before the game goes down, chances are there's a reason for that. They couldn't take it down is the most likely possibility. Some cases may have led people to lose the War. I find it very difficult to believe that many Wars were destined to win had the game not gone down. Some maybe, not as many as are claimed. Which is why I'm looking at the Stats to deduce the probability.
    In any case, it's very difficult to compensate for something like that. They can't assume one side would have won and give them the Win. There may be something they can do in terms of Rewards, but that entirely depends on their decision, and that's usually based on the overall effect of the outage. It was only down a short time so I don't know what they will decide. In regards to "could have won", they can't really decide that in any type of data-based fashion.
    You say that, which fair enough I see your point, but what if in the map, one player has some good champs, with near full hp, play at the start of the war, and due to work/sleep they can't play during, only at the end, by this time your teammates have cleared all but the boss, leaving you as the prime player to take out the boss, it's happened to me before which is why I say it.

    I see your point, in a game like this you can say A B C could've happened, but X Y Z should've happened. we can try to rationalize it as much as we want, but at the end of the day all we can and will do with events like this is speculate as there is not, nor will ever be, a definitive answer. The only thing we can say with some pretty darn high odds, is that Kabam wont do anything to compensate/resolve issues like this. Their record lately speaks volumes about these sort of events.
    I get that, and I can totally relate. The last hour, sometimes the last few minutes, are nail biters for us too sometimes. I'm just examining the SS shown, and looking at the likelihood. When it comes to the Boss, we don't wait until the last minute. As I said, it's possible they may have won, I just don't see it as likely.
    The game went down and that's unfortunate, but it went down for everyone, so if the War is over when it goes back up, people are judged based on what they did equally. Since it was down for everyone. It sucks, sure. It's just not something that can be compensated for based on could have, in competitions like this.
  • J7R88J7R88 Member Posts: 11
    What happened? We were going to win. We were about to kill the boss both aq and aw
  • XxArchMageXxArchMage Member Posts: 6
    Honestly if kabam gives us 24 hours to do war we should get 24 hours to complete that war and anyone can say don’t wait till last minute, but sometimes it happens and saying it’s ok that screwing up war in the last moments (the most important time with people hitting bosses) just hurts so many alliances as well as top tier guys running AQ who just lost so much prestige and rewards for not completing. I’m more worried about seasons than anything else and I don’t know a good fix beyond removing last war from AW seasons score and adding war on at end of season
  • Whiskey_PoetWhiskey_Poet Member Posts: 242 ★★
    I'm pretty salty that they kicked me out of variant after using a lot of resources/units. There was no reason for me not to be where I was (at the boss with him almost dead) when the game came back up. The maintenance more or less just stole hundreds of units from me (and an energy refill and my time) that I'm guessing I won't get back again since all that is being discussed is AQ/AW. :/
  • Whiskey_PoetWhiskey_Poet Member Posts: 242 ★★
    @""Kabam Miike" is there a way to recover my resources/units or put me back where I was in the Variant quest?
  • lilyth23lilyth23 Member Posts: 95
    edited March 2019
    kabam mike toujours le même message pour chaque bug .....pour quand un serveur dans chaque continents pour empêcher celà .... un 5* en cadeau serait sympa pour tous et un hall de forturne 1 fois par mois car avec vos bug nous on perd du temps - des gains
  • B4nanaJoB4nanaJo Member Posts: 89
    What’s even more enfuriating is the lack of response from Kabam.

    I own a restaurant, if I had to kick out all my customers in the middle of their dinner due to unexpected maintenance I would make damn sure I tell each and everyone fairly quickly how I intend to make it up to them - in the hope they would put their faith in us again.
    And my customers wouldn’t even of paid yet.

    Here you have a bunch of customers who have spent resources and you don’t even issue a message out saying something along the lines of: “something went wrong, we’re sorry, we’re looking into it and will do our best to address it fairly for all who were affected”.

    It’s basic customer service.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    It's not even the same ballpark. If the Restaurant was down for repairs, you wouldn't have to deal with people asking for food they could have eaten.
  • jnikolas92jnikolas92 Member Posts: 192 ★★★
    once again. we’ve discussed the fact that rectifying AW is extremely tough to do fairly and cleanly.
    addressing AQ is different though. there needs to be something done there.
  • xKaratexKarate Member Posts: 3
    So today, 3/5/19, there was emergency maintenance in the last hour or so when our war was going. We were unable to log in and finish up some last fights/paths. And as a result of that we lost our war. Has anyone else had this issue today?
  • L0rd_MeatwadL0rd_Meatwad Member Posts: 4
    Ddawg said:

    Everyone in our alliance has a busy life, and like most people, don’t have much time to spend on this game. When your server goes out during our free time to clear both the aw boss, and aq boss, that’s on you. I really do hope you fix your servers soon, and I really do expect everyone affected by this to get compensation, because this is ridiculous.

    Well said, literally exactly what i was going to post.
    We were on a 2 win roll, & would have won this one. We now have a both a recorded loss, & a loss of momentum. You need to both compensate AND adjust records accordingly. If not viable, then give us ALL a win.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    Tainted said:

    You have ruined yet again both aq and aw for our alliance. At our last boss, 6% left game crashed. 2 bg’s didn’t finish map 6.
    You guys are more than amateurs, these crashes are not something that is happening once in a while. We gett them ALL the TIME.
    When we press help, when we spin crystals, when we do arena, when we do aq, aw. And this is happening for MONTHS.
    You have ruined a beautiful game.
    I hope the community has the guts to quit this source of permanent stress and unacceptable lack of communication. You deserve nothing less than bankruptcy.

    are you quitting?
    i hope you are after making a statement like that.
    for you to entice others to quit.
    essently imply others are gutless if they dont quit, i hope you quit.
    if you dont your whole statement is meritless.
  • IcejrIcejr Member Posts: 431 ★★★
    edited March 2019

    Hey all,

    Thank you for your patience. We wanted to get back to you today on some insights into what happened with the outage today.This outage was caused by an issue with Google's Cloud Services, and we working with them to ensure that this does not happen again.

    As for questions on Compensation: This is something that we are looking into.

    As many have discussed, it is very difficult to compensate accurately due to of a lot of different factors. It is almost impossible to determine who the winner would be have been with any accuracy.

    We are looking into Compensation, but first want to ensure that we are confident in the game's performance. There have been a few hiccups lately, including issues with Event Rewards and Server stability, and we need to be sure that we fix these issues before we have a full understanding of the impact to our Summoners.

    Thank you So Much ☺️☺️☺️
This discussion has been closed.