4* AG from Intel

ZipioZipio Member Posts: 128
I worked out that from the event I will be able to get around 2,900 Intel. So I was wondering if the awakening gem would be worth it.

4* AG from Intel 70 votes

winterthurGamerTimone147Hort4zuffyphillgreenTerraFoxhero007Vulcan112Hammerbro_64KillerRino19Austin555555iiSkittle_Ninja69cx23433XxLoganTDCxXChampioncriticTinoMiashadow_lurker22Shadow_Phoneixzeezee57 51 votes
SpeedbumpIksdjvanSixshot1CliffordcanNitro422Mrgrifotinman76DiablosUltimateMaicoñ97KillSwitchClynevaTakingAllDownMathking13AdiMukh555AndiYTDEKingpinamosChriissRMcyeetyLordRaymond 19 votes


  • peasantpeasant Member Posts: 240
    Zipio said:

    I worked out that from the event I will be able to get around 2,900 Intel. So I was wondering if the awakening gem would be worth it.

    Yes, from the look of things, 4* awakening gems will be huge on your roster. I remember when I spent 70$ for one.. I'm glad Kabam is making these things easier to get for the newer players!! :)
  • tinman76tinman76 Member Posts: 117
    Not with the way the game is headed. 5 & 6*s are the only ones worthy of an awakening gem purchase
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,314 ★★★★★
    I popped mine and it was Mutant, and I am thinking if it should go to Domino or Archangel.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,335 ★★★★★
    tinman76 said:

    Not with the way the game is headed. 5 & 6*s are the only ones worthy of an awakening gem purchase

    Seen the difference in price?

    I will go for the 4* gem, or blow it on T1A and rank up hulkbuster, groot and IP so can get into act 6.

  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★

    tinman76 said:

    Not with the way the game is headed. 5 & 6*s are the only ones worthy of an awakening gem purchase

    Seen the difference in price?

    I will go for the 4* gem, or blow it on T1A and rank up hulkbuster, groot and IP so can get into act 6.

    1 minor issue

    4* are banned from act 6 now
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    But the crystal is totally worth it if you have a lot of 4* and not a lot of 5* and 6*
  • IksdjvanIksdjvan Member Posts: 239 ★★
    Get 5* shards to build your 5* roster.
  • MegaGalacticMegaGalactic Member Posts: 248 ★★
    I’d say it depends on what you find yourself lacking most. I immediately thought to go for the awakening crystal at first but realized putting it all on class catalysts is better in the long run for me. I can play a lot of my characters without having them awakened, but without ranking them I’ll have harder time.
  • WayntosWayntos Member Posts: 624 ★★★
    Here's the issue..... you purchase said AG actually get the one you want hooray for you!! Then you open a 4* crystal dupe the the one you used the the AG on hooray sig level .... then you think to self did I just waste a AG!! You just got KABAMED!
  • Fugitive21Fugitive21 Member Posts: 221
    Wayntos said:

    Here's the issue..... you purchase said AG actually get the one you want hooray for you!! Then you open a 4* crystal dupe the the one you used the the AG on hooray sig level .... then you think to self did I just waste a AG!! You just got KABAMED!

    yep knowing my luck that is what will happen to me.
  • Ctleath_013Ctleath_013 Member Posts: 416 ★★
    The AG is one of the best deals for intel. So, I would definitely recommend that if you are looking to awaken some good champions.
  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    I mean I'm personally gonna just be buying 5* shards and t4cc but hey. Maybe I'll go for that 4* gem, but I'm not 100% sure... I'm really wanting to expand my 5* roster, but I can also see a number of champions in my own roster that need an awakening gem; Voodoo, Omega, Hyperion, THOSE TECH CHAMPS I NEVER GET AND ALREADY HAVE A GEM FOR... please kabam give me a good tech champ like starlord or sentinel...
  • Woody15Woody15 Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    If you want it go for it
  • DiablosUltimateDiablosUltimate Member Posts: 1,021 ★★★
    With 4stars being banned from act6, every single resource pumped into 4stars is ultimately wasted
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