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Realm of Legends

So I've been thinking about making the realm of legends and I'd like to know which champions are recommended for this challenge. I am currently in Act 5, Chapter 1. Act 4 100% explored. Would you like to help me, please?

PS: These are my best


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    DRTODRTO Posts: 1,630 ★★★★★
    Starlord can be used for all the fights besides wolverine so you're set there. As for Wolverine, the only counter to him from what you got looks like quake, I think her concussion will prevent wolvie from healing but I'm not entirely sure about that. If you have a 3 or even 2* guillotine that would be a good counter as well. Save up some units and potions as well and take make your starlord at least rank 4 to make it easier. As for the other three spots add a synergy team that will increase star lords attack.
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    BloodHunterBloodHunter Posts: 4
    Star lord is already rank 4(I'm thinking to up him to rank 5), and the guillotine i have it 3*. Thanks a lot for the tips
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    Starlord, or how about using Wolverine (since he would be able to heal up from a bunch of little damage during the fights) ? And against Wolverine node, yes Guillotine, but has to be done in a single fight (or at least, Wolvie opponent has to begin the final fight you try with full health) in order for her SP2 to activate reverse healing properly.
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    FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    That star Lord should get u through most of the fights. Just need a heal block or heal reverse champ for wolverine and poison immune for sw
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    DRTODRTO Posts: 1,630 ★★★★★

    That star Lord should get u through most of the fights. Just need a heal block or heal reverse champ for wolverine and poison immune for sw

    I've never believed a poison immune champ is necessary for SW. If you have willpower it will negate the poison effects and you don't lose much health. Only lost about 20% health in total against her when I did it with star lord.
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    PapaBillPapaBill Posts: 6
    Only one champion must bring with best champions that's you have to Finished ROL. are 3* or 4* Void or Guillotine (duped must be better) for Wolverine.
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    JustusCastrumJustusCastrum Posts: 149
    edited March 2019
    If you can hold a combo, your star-lord will get you through wolvie also.
    Bring a strong poison immune for scarlet witch.
    If you can't hold a combo bring 3* guillotine or void for wolvie.
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    MavRCK_MavRCK_ Posts: 483 ★★★
    I did ROL with a 4* SL 4/40 many years ago... i think you have great options to help out like Gamora and Ironman IW - IMIW can do massive damage once you stack plasma charges Sp3.

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