Battleream Under Siege - Legends !

Creating a thread for Mar 2019 Event Quest - Legends Run Discussion . Please post your times here.
Last month event cut off looks around 3:35
Last month event cut off looks around 3:35
Need a real break now .. lol
Fully agree with JChanceH9. It is necessary to give a chance to those who pass for the first time.
Other players also want to get the title of LEGEND. If you already have this title, why are you taking up space from another player who does not have this title?
I do it simply because I finish all quests once they appear except AQ and AW. Therefore, I can save much spare time and do not have to wait for energy to do it.
You can complete assignments quickly, but do not fall into the top 100. This will make room for players who want to get the title of LEGEND for the first time.
If HE wants to, HE is allowed by every RULE to go for legends whenever and however HE wants IT. If you get better, you can try and go for it, but in an attempt to get the title, YOU Absolutely cannot stop another person from going for it.
Compared it to alliance war: If one alliance placed in Master bracket again and again, should they be responsible for blocking newer players from good rewards? Should they stop doing alliance war or intentionally keep away from Masters?
If one alliance placed top 1 in plat 3 or gold 1, they should not blame any master alliances. If you are good enough for legend title, you can make it without any complaints.
Besides, I'm not using something like 6 star rank 5 champions. All of us are at the same start line. This is not like an alliance war. I suppose it's already quite friendly to new players.
Got lazy and didn't continue after those attempts cause I could only start my runs near midnight. lol
I do not have anything against @Night_Owl because he isn’t doing anything wrong at all, but I feel like Kabam should implement a system that restricts players from winning Legends titles from consecutive EQ.
All arguments aside, the legends title system is complete garbage as it is right now. I have always been of the mind that legends titles should be earned via skill and not via $$$ or luck. So as it is currently who really cares if one player gets the title consecutively because all it really means is they’re lucky to have Corvus, or they have money to buy the best devices.
In case anyone is wondering, yes I have the legends title, and I did it all without Corvus.
Do not compare the title of the legend with the war of the Alliance. War is an event where the entire union is involved. And the title is a purely personal event. Your comparison is wrong. For your part, as a player, this is selfish behavior.
I have Corvus 5 \ 65. But I do not have a fast device and this does not mean that I am not worthy of the title LEGEND.
In the place of the developer, I would introduce a system limiting the taking of the title, at least "a month in a month." For example, in March you were able to take the title, and April you can not take, even if you pass faster than anyone. June you can take again. The opportunity is needed by all. It is a pity that this can only help fast devices that are not at all.