Ghost nerf costing me

This is ridiculous, you guys silently nerf ghost after the fact I ranked 5 her and mastered how to use her previously. Now since the nerf, she’s not as valuable or good as before. I’m for one am extremely pissed off. I’m about to quit this game because I’m sick of all the bull **** thst you guys do. @Kabam Miike
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From my experience, It didn't get that much harder; you just have to be quicker in punishing light attacks, or stick to punishing medium attacks. and don't expect a parry, medium, dashback, special to land.
So ... yeh
The ones saying they pissed?
Or the ones saying they didn’t notice a difference?
There have been some videos by Ankit Sharma and yea certain champs are just so quick now.
I play ghost super safe so I assumed I misplayed but it's possible it's because these AI are bugged.
“Did he rank 5 ghost yet?”
“Not yet sir.”
“Well as soon as he does let me know then we will begin the nerf! Hahahaha”
They just knew you’re ghost skills would break the game.
Dr. Zola
Quake used to be very easy to play with an auto-evade+parry style. Then a few champs “wised up” and refused to hit into a parry after autoevade. In fact, I made a video post months ago where the Thor AI “pulled up” on a hit to avoid parry in a way the human player cannot in game. Literally, stopped short of parry to throw off my rhythm.
That behavior now is the norm in a lot of content, forcing an auto-evade+dex style. For me, that style is far less reliable (my inputs get dropped more often, leading to her getting tagged).
That’s a reduction in utility caused by AI behavior change.
From the Ghost videos I’ve watched, the issue appears to also be AI behavior change (superquickparry coming out of phase, for example).
If there’s something other than AI change going on with Ghost, I don’t know about it. Or am I missing something else?
Dr. Zola
Act6 is coming kabam makes sure noone finish it within few hour, it actually hurts me a lot, after my ag, t5b, a2 yeah.. life sucks.
Either way this causing quite problems.. i don’t really hate Kabam, but this makes me kinda sad thou..
Ghost only RDT makes summoners maybe happy, but I personally not gonna rd her..
I live with my choices😂
Even it hurts lol
Arrogant people like you add nothing to this community. As a result of a change to AI, this substantially impacts ghost.
Are you a Kabam employee? That would make sense. Otherwise you’re an idiot