She-Hulk for Initial Labyrinth of Legends Clear?

I recently pulled a 5* She-Hulk, I was considering taking her to rank 4 maybe 5, for my first clear through LOL. I don't have a SL, Sparky, Medusa or Blade so shes my only option at this point for LOL. I was going to take the short path of LOL I've been playing for nearly a year and a half now, i'm Uncollected and I have all synergy's needed to make She-Hulk viable. to wrap this up in a nice bow and put the actual question is she good for the LOL short path and how many units should I have prepared for LOL?
I used r5 sparky and about 1000 units.
Good luck!
So there is no Passive Fury being refreshed from Maestro's special attacks.
So she is not gonna deal a lot of damage against him