Underwhelmed by She-Hulk and Spider-Gwen Buffs (compared to prior champ betas)

I think taking two champs and giving them new abilities and actual use in the game was a good move. However, when I look at the improvements to She-Hulk and Spider-Gwen (I have both as 5* champs), I've got to say I'm underwhelmed and a little disappointed. From what it seems, Gamora's stealth buff was much better (I don't have her over 3*).
Maybe I'm missing something, but when I look at the prior buffs done in 2018 (Red Hulk & Luke Cage then Carnage and Venom), these are leaving a lot less to be desired. I haven't noticed as big of an improvement as I did when I used Rulk post buff and later Venom. Those two are champs I use often in lots of content, but I still can't see myself using either much.
Honestly, the biggest boost I've seen in these improvements is She-Hulk's synergy with Red Hulk. I have him as a 6*, and getting extra attack for every heat charge is pretty awesome.
What are others thinking at this point? I know it's still early on, but I'm a bit let down by this round after a couple great buffs last year.
Maybe I'm missing something, but when I look at the prior buffs done in 2018 (Red Hulk & Luke Cage then Carnage and Venom), these are leaving a lot less to be desired. I haven't noticed as big of an improvement as I did when I used Rulk post buff and later Venom. Those two are champs I use often in lots of content, but I still can't see myself using either much.
Honestly, the biggest boost I've seen in these improvements is She-Hulk's synergy with Red Hulk. I have him as a 6*, and getting extra attack for every heat charge is pretty awesome.
What are others thinking at this point? I know it's still early on, but I'm a bit let down by this round after a couple great buffs last year.
Comparing red hulk and Luke cage buffs I can say spidergwen and she-hulk buffs are superior. Not saying they are better then but they could easily be. But it’s comparing an apple with an orange to be honest.
She hulk can out damage both Luke cage and red hulk. She can cancel out unstoppable easily, reverse healing and power gain. And I find her build of fury very easy to get and maintain. I wouldn’t use her in alliance wars though. Unless I found the reverse healing to be very helpful for the buffet or arc overload node. That being said she viable for easy path in LoL as well. Which is huge to add into the game that people are unlucky to get the others that are also viable for LoL.
Spidergwen needs to ramp up a bit each fight but her slight power control is actually pretty decent. It won’t hold off a all or nothing node. But she would put a pretty big dent in their health if she failed. Her slow debuff is just the same as she hulks and it’s very useful for specific fights. When she’s ramp’d up and hits a 3rd special her damage is amazing. Obviously better out there but it’s really good.
The big difference between one set of buffs to the other imo is the immunities red hulk and Luke cage already had. Granted she hulk is poison immune, spidergwen has no immunity to anything. Not saying she should but being able to down a mephisto or Morningstar with Luke or red hulk is pretty important considering act 5 and alliance quest bosses.
I enjoy both sets of buffs. I’ve got Luke cage and red hulk 6* and I have she hulk and spidergwen 5* dupes. She hulk and spidergwen are easily r3 and potentially r4+ depending on your rng roster. And she hulk dupe is r4 worthy if you need a lol easy path runner.
I'm not running suicides yet. Is there a trick to stacking furies? So far, I haven't had the best luck with them. Is yours duped? Do you see much benefit?
If i were to rank reworked characters ,it'd be
She hulk
Luke cage