Gamora/Guillotine Synergy

Can anybody please explain why it is virtually impossible for Guillotine to stack more than 5 souls against high PI champs like ROL WS!
In general questing, Guillotine will stack to 15 souls incredibly fast but against high PI champions it is impossible!
Unless I am missing something then this really needs looking at!
In general questing, Guillotine will stack to 15 souls incredibly fast but against high PI champions it is impossible!
Unless I am missing something then this really needs looking at!
Is this because Kabam knows that Guillotine can take out winter soldier with one SP3??
Guilly gets souls normally just for ever 6%? If I am right she lowers the opponents health
(That’s the reason she doesn’t stack a lot of souls versus wa rol)
With that synergy she gains souls another way... but ... that doesn’t mean she will stack them just as fast as low health opponents ... it’s exactly what’s expected from guilly.
There is another synergy I believe with Morningstar that helps her keep her souls longer ... that’s the way to gain more souls and do that awesome damage with her
If you want to have longer duration so you can stack higher you need another synergy with Morningstar
That all there is to that synergy. Nothing to do with 6% damage etc
If you read Guillotine's abilities, you'll notice that her souls expire after ten seconds.
The Gamora synergy has a 10-second cool down.
The maths there isn't complicated.
It seems likely that the souls she gets from Gamora synergy also expire after ten seconds; as there's no information to suggest they obey different rules.
It gets better with the Synergy she gets from Morningstar; as that increases her souls expiry to 20 seconds. With both Morningstar and Gamora backing her up, she really could stack up souls and do some serious damage on her SP3.
Have fun trying it out!