Are you running out of gold?



  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    Not even close. Have 9.7 million gold right now.
  • nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    It would be nice if there was more I could spend my gold on. I know this isnt the case for everyone but I arena way too much.
  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    I’ve got 1.2m atm. It will all be gone when I take my next r5 up, but that’s the nice thing about arenas. Gold has never been easier to come by. Battle chips costs are down in donations, and cavalier crystals give a ton of ISO that can be sold.
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    edited March 2019
    I feel the pinch of not having enough Gold. But I also agree that the 'scarcity of resources and gold drought' is mostly overblown. Resources are easier to get than ever, event rewards, quests, alliance rewards, etc... the problem is that heroes are also more accessible and in our need for instant gratification we're rushing to level everyone we have up to max levels depleting our stash.

    But the majority of us don't want to grind or invest the time and effort to replenish this stash, we want it easy. Gold Rush realms for zero energy cost...

    Arena entry fees have gone down, rewards gone up, the gold rewards moved closer so you don't even have to grind that much if you just want gold. Arena crystals are still and has always been the best source of gold... there are plenty of ways to get gold and other resources.

    I say this and I'm often sub 500k gold with way too many heroes to level.
  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★
    Nope. Never been to 9 million in months
  • hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 629 ★★★★
    It's cute how people think 2 million gold is a lot. Rank one champ to 4/55 and half of that is gone
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    Simple Idea: Once you reach Level 60, all XP Boosts you own and get from that point on are exchanged for Gold Boosts. Kill 2 Birds With 1 Stone...
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    YES and NO....

    For those that don't spend and grind arena all day and night, YES!

    For those who do, NO!

    ... i love the people who comment there is no issue.

    ".. if it doesn't effect me, then there is no problem.." :|

    What about those who comment there is an issue..

    “.. if it affects me, then there is a problem with the game and not me..”

    Food for thought.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    edited March 2019

    YES and NO....

    For those that don't spend and grind arena all day and night, YES!

    For those who do, NO!

    ... i love the people who comment there is no issue.

    ".. if it doesn't effect me, then there is no problem.." :|

    actually most people comment sayin its no problem as this is an opinion thread.
    the OP asked for people experiences.

    ARE you running out of gold? to which I say NO.
    simple. never said it wasn't a problem for others.
    just answered the question.
    and also people giving advice on how to make it not a problem.

    basically there is a way to make sure gold is no issue.
    if you don't want to do that, then fine, but gold will be an issue.

    you want gold, do arena.
    don't wanna do arena, have no gold.
    simple really.

    you want money, get a job.
    don't wanna get a job, have no money.

    do a lot of arena get a lot of money
    do minimal arena get minimal gold

    do a lot of work get a lot of money
    do minimal work get minimal money.

    I don't appreciate you calling out people who have simply answered the question and sain it is not a problem for me.
  • RikuremaRikurema Member Posts: 141
    edited March 2019
    77m gold. wanna trade? lol
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    DNA3000 said:

    xNig said:

    YES and NO....

    For those that don't spend and grind arena all day and night, YES!

    For those who do, NO!

    ... i love the people who comment there is no issue.

    ".. if it doesn't effect me, then there is no problem.." :|

    What about those who comment there is an issue..

    “.. if it affects me, then there is a problem with the game and not me..”

    Food for thought.
    My personal favorite is: the game only caters to spenders and casuals and people who grind a lot and people with expensive phones and people who have extremely good twitch skills and people who are lucky and people who have been playing for a very long time and people who just started. But what about the rest of us?
    Lol. Bunch of people who don’t wanna do anything and have things made easy for them or handed out to them? 😂
  • MelkanMelkan Member Posts: 84
    Eapoq42 said:

    There is no gold issue. It doesn't exist.

    Grind the areas. Grind, grind, grind.

    I have over 2 million gold at the moment and all my champions are as ranked up as my catalyst resources will allow. Iso is more of an issue than gold.

    Ofcourse there is a gold issue, you cant expect that everyone can grind their asses of in the arena every week. Some of us have a life and kids to attend to.
    There should be other ways to get gold besides the arena right?!

    I also have 1-2 mills but ranking 4/55s or 5/65 isnt cheap. They should lower the ranking cost to begin with.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    Melkan said:

    Eapoq42 said:

    There is no gold issue. It doesn't exist.

    Grind the areas. Grind, grind, grind.

    I have over 2 million gold at the moment and all my champions are as ranked up as my catalyst resources will allow. Iso is more of an issue than gold.

    Ofcourse there is a gold issue, you cant expect that everyone can grind their asses of in the arena every week. Some of us have a life and kids to attend to.
    There should be other ways to get gold besides the arena right?!

    I also have 1-2 mills but ranking 4/55s or 5/65 isnt cheap. They should lower the ranking cost to begin with.
    u can get gold.
    if u cant spend the time to do arena its just slower.
    each and every fight in eq gives a tiny amount of gold.
    dupe champs give gold.
    dungeons give gold.
    gold crystals give gold.

    you don't play arena you need to progress at a slower rate.
    that's the tradeoff.
    I play arena I can rank champs faster.
    if you could not play arena and rank champs as fast as me I would be p****d.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Melkan said:

    Eapoq42 said:

    There is no gold issue. It doesn't exist.

    Grind the areas. Grind, grind, grind.

    I have over 2 million gold at the moment and all my champions are as ranked up as my catalyst resources will allow. Iso is more of an issue than gold.

    Ofcourse there is a gold issue, you cant expect that everyone can grind their asses of in the arena every week. Some of us have a life and kids to attend to.
    There should be other ways to get gold besides the arena right?!

    I also have 1-2 mills but ranking 4/55s or 5/65 isnt cheap. They should lower the ranking cost to begin with.
    I have a life and 2 kids (one 4 and one 6) and still manage to find time to squeeze in abit of arena here and there (mostly while commuting and after they go to bed while I destress and watch television).

    If people don’t put in the effort, then why should things be made easier for them?

    It is exactly the same as saying “I don’t have time to clear Act 5 and AQ because I have a job, a life and kids so Kabam please make a daily quest which I can auto play through that will reward me with T4CC and T5B.”

  • Jank39Jank39 Member Posts: 139
    I found that Gold was not an issue as progressing through the early to mid tiers of the game. Then you hit the regular 5* pulls and get more rank up materials for those 5*s to r4 & 5, gold reserves or earning capacity is inadequate without grinding.

    So someone like me an occassional great offer buyer and non grinder who has multiple r5s and only ranks up top champs past r1 has minimal gold despite fully completing all story/event content (excluding act 6) can not progress his roster at any serious pace without some hard grinding due to gold rank up requirements. Having a full stash and hundreds of rank up crystal resources unopened, I find myself slightly disenchanted...

    It may just be the design of the game to either force higher end players to invest more and more time into the game to work for gold. Its their business model and its getting to a point where people who dont like grinding and are motivated by advancing their roster will either bite the bullet and grind or just quit the game.... it doesnt feel right that its not cats, alphas, or iso but gold that is holding me up but it is what it is and until enough people stop playing its not going to change.
  • Ruzzman1Ruzzman1 Member Posts: 50
    I am short on gold and while I do arena as much as I can during the week , I do wish there was something better on sundays ( it doesn’t have to be a gold arena ) as I have more spare time and I could put in some serious grinding to help alleviate my shortage .
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    edited March 2019

    If people don’t put in the effort, then why should things be made easier for them?

    It is exactly the same as saying “I don’t have time to clear Act 5 and AQ because I have a job, a life and kids so Kabam please make a daily quest which I can auto play through that will reward me with T4CC and T5B.”


    Yeah except it’s not exactly the same is it? 🙄. 200k weekly gold arena? Still have to grind it.
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    edited March 2019
    does anyone here actually think a weekly gold arena is bad idea? I’d like to hear some reasons why other then I have a stack of gold so everyone else should have one too.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,940 ★★★★★
    That makes no sense. If the source of Gold is the Arena, why would you have one? Even if you do, that won't be enough, and we'll be back to people saying there's a Gold problem. People are trying to spend it faster than the game is designed to allow. You have to save it now and then, instead of spending it all.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,940 ★★★★★
    Resource Management is a part of the game.
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    Maat1985 said:

    Melkan said:

    Eapoq42 said:

    There is no gold issue. It doesn't exist.

    Grind the areas. Grind, grind, grind.

    I have over 2 million gold at the moment and all my champions are as ranked up as my catalyst resources will allow. Iso is more of an issue than gold.

    Ofcourse there is a gold issue, you cant expect that everyone can grind their asses of in the arena every week. Some of us have a life and kids to attend to.
    There should be other ways to get gold besides the arena right?!

    I also have 1-2 mills but ranking 4/55s or 5/65 isnt cheap. They should lower the ranking cost to begin with.
    u can get gold.
    if u cant spend the time to do arena its just slower.
    each and every fight in eq gives a tiny amount of gold.
    dupe champs give gold.
    dungeons give gold.
    gold crystals give gold.

    you don't play arena you need to progress at a slower rate.
    that's the tradeoff.
    I play arena I can rank champs faster.
    if you could not play arena and rank champs as fast as me I would be p****d.
    Who is saying they want gold given to them so they can rank champs as fast as arena grinders? If you play consistently and constantly you’ll always be able to progress quicker. Weekly arena or some other solution which would award a certain albeit small amount each week specifically would hardly tip the scales. Sounds like all some people want is a set date or time each week that if they know they put in the effort for 3-4 hours they’ll be rewarded with getting all that closer to ranking up that one champ per month. Really don’t understand why this would even register as an issue with people sitting on stacks of it.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,940 ★★★★★
    What we're saying is we have Gold because we put the time and effort into making it and holding on to it. People don't have the time, or don't want to, that's fine. No judgment. They have to make the most of what they put into it then. Can't be upset because we worked for it.
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    What do you mean why would you have one? This game is full of different types of players. If you’re a casual player when you start to rank up 5* you hit a pay (gold) wall. Weekly arena would alleviate gold issues somewhat for those players. Which 4-5 of you in here are clearly not. Clearly been stated that not everyone has the time or want to do grind out 20+ a week. Again I’m not one of them. But why should the game not cater to those people a little? 200k is hardly going to register at the top of the tree in regards to end game players, all it will do is help the casual.
    Jump on the other side of the fence for a bit and take someone else’s perspective rather then laugh them out of town.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,940 ★★★★★
    I said why would you have a Gold Arena, because the source of Gold is literally the Arena.
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    edited March 2019

    What we're saying is we have Gold because we put the time and effort into making it and holding on to it. People don't have the time, or don't want to, that's fine. No judgment. They have to make the most of what they put into it then. Can't be upset because we worked for it.

    Who’s upset because you worked for it? Never heard anyone in here say that?
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