Guillotine ROL

So I'm one of those noobs who hasn't done ROL yet. Could a 4/40 3* unduped take out Wolverine? I have the Gamora synergy. The rest of my team is 4* 5/50 sig 99 SL, 4* 5/50 sig40 X-23, 4* 4/40 sig40 Spider-Gwen, and a 4* 1/10 unduped Gamora for the synergy.
Another options is an awakened void
so yeah, you should be able to handle it .
Just be prepared for a few failed attempts ...
Guillotine (especially a 2* version :P ) is more luck than design, IMHO ... LOL
Check it out if you're okay with swapping out a champion.
Void is good, but needs awakened
CAIW is good, but again, needs awakening ablility
The new She-Hulk buff gave her a super long petrify, so she might work.
You can try with a three star Guillotine, but it might not work and it could be difficult.
Hope this helps.
whatever guillotine you use, play aggressive .. like REALLY aggressive .. even when you get your Sp2 off, DO NOT STOP .. just keep wailing on him .. every hit you do, often procs another regen .. which just helps kill him faster ...
the only time you let up is after he's killed you .. LOL
Good luck!!
If you're using guilly, you may find the Morningstar synergy helpful, too. She makes souls last longer.
Or even with those synergies will Guilly have to beat Wolvie in a single fight where Wolvie is starting from 100% (like you used to have to do).