Which 5* to rank 5 or which 6* to rank 2?

myPUNCAKEmyPUNCAKE Member Posts: 360
As the title suggests, I’m in a delima. Already 100% explored act 5 and I’m probably looking for an intial run through of Act 6 next. Leaving reasoning behind vote will help, but any help is appreciated!

Which 5* to rank 5 or which 6* to rank 2? 30 votes

5* Voodoo to R5
Jets44shadow_lurker22Maldroit2 3 votes
5* X-23 to R5
Priyansh7StevieManWonder 2 votes
5* Hyperion to R5
LurkerTerraSai_7TitanPunchJohnyzeroStark78AlfaSuperSam57SpiderCoolsOsfan8axelelf_1JyotishkaXxLoganTDCxXB_Dizzle_01ZombieZeddFhfjghhggggjfhfjgClatoniusZeezoos-sixate-ddomFreeToPlay_21 20 votes
6* Kingpin to R2
6* Electra to R2
Spity68 1 vote
6* Luke Cage to R2
SpeedbumpDaphboyStarkiller_KE2_0Dead1 4 votes


  • ClatoniusClatonius Member Posts: 221 ★★
    5* Hyperion to R5
    Hype is very useful
  • myPUNCAKEmyPUNCAKE Member Posts: 360
    Clatonius said:

    Hype is very useful

    Was leaning towards him for sure, his damage output would be insane from what I've seen
  • Starkiller_KE2_0Starkiller_KE2_0 Member Posts: 154
    6* Luke Cage to R2
    I think it is going to be very useful to have a Rank 2 6* champion in the coming months of the game, and luke cage is a powerhouse for damage and stunning. If you manage to get him awakened as well he doesn't need a high sig level and his champion synergy would be fantastic.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    5* X-23 to R5
    I feel like X-23's regen will be really helpful for saving you potions and revives, but I don't have her so I can't really say for certain.
  • myPUNCAKEmyPUNCAKE Member Posts: 360

    I think it is going to be very useful to have a Rank 2 6* champion in the coming months of the game, and luke cage is a powerhouse for damage and stunning. If you manage to get him awakened as well he doesn't need a high sig level and his champion synergy would be fantastic.

    Short maybe 3,000 shards for my next 6* would love to see him, also tempted to rank him as 6* champs are the future of the game
  • ClatoniusClatonius Member Posts: 221 ★★
    5* Hyperion to R5
    His damage can ramp up by a lot once those furies stack up
  • ClatoniusClatonius Member Posts: 221 ★★
    5* Hyperion to R5
    Which SP is the best to use though?
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,655 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    5* Hyperion to R5
    I'd say go for Hyperion. Get a couple of furies on him 7-9, and spam sp1 for heavy incinerate damage. His sp2 n sp3 should only be thrown when you have around 10 furies imo for some serious damage.
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    5* Hyperion to R5
    I think you should save your resources to rank up a 6 star SS or Corvus
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