Not being matched while enlisted

So basically our alliance missed out on the current war that will start today and end on Sunday.
Did we forgot to enlist? No.
Did someone unlist? No.
I know not they stated that it's possible to not get matched up but it should only be for very low rated and ranked alliances.
Now this paragraph is more about our current situation so skip it if you can't bother ;).

Since we are in gold 2 this should not happen right? These last wars are very important to us since we started with 2bg's war for a long time due to our ally being relaxed and IRL first vibe, but we are starting to do 3 bg's consistently and are enjoying it.
This does mean we got a few losses especially since our war rating was very high and got a lot of different ratings individually.
Nothing unexpected but what we did expect was that our last wars would be very important to stay in gold 2.
Now missing out on a war while we were enlisted was unexpected and could mean we drop to gold 3.

Now i don't want this to be about where we would end since the season isn't over yet and it's just a game but more about if this is happening to other alliances around silver 1 and up? Since I think we are all expecting this war system to work properly without putting several alliances in a disadvantage.

Extra information: I myself enlisted around 3-4h before matchmaking would start and i saw matchmaking going on for 2h (which was already longer than usual and another member said when he wanted to place his defense like normal (that's when i'm asleep) matchmaking was still going on.


  • DiablosUltimateDiablosUltimate Member Posts: 1,021 ★★★
    Impossible to not get matched? What if there is odd number of alliances in matchmaking?
  • Whyarewestillhere1Whyarewestillhere1 Member Posts: 13
    @DiablosUltimate well i'ts not impossible but they have said matchmaking alliances goes from high to low rank so it would be quite unlikely that a gold alliance wouldnt be matched.
    Now if it is the case then well i have nothing to say but would like to have an answer from someone official but i also know that they probably can't know that right?
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,692 Guardian
    edited March 2019
    So you enlisted yesterday (Fri) 3-4 hours before the 6pm EST (3pm Pacific) deadline ?? When you said “war that starts today”, I assume you meant the “Attack Phase that starts today”.
    If so, yes you should have received a match. Is very easy to forget though, with this new system, and having to enroll earlier than when you used to just “Start” the war.

    And yes, it was stated that there would only be 3 teams total that would be left without a matchup. 1 for each of the war types (1 BG, 2 BG, and 3 BG wars), and that they would be teams at the low end of Rating/strength/Tier or whatever they use to determing Rating (maybe not the exact lowest because don’t want same team to get that multiple times). And in those cases the team gets a “bye” and is just given some amount of Win Points.
  • Whyarewestillhere1Whyarewestillhere1 Member Posts: 13
    @SummonerNR So for me matchmaking starts at 11pm and war ended at 7.30pm or something like that so straight after that war ended (friday) so yes i meant attack phase that basically just started. That's why it's weird since i definitely enlisted. There is no pop up when you click confirm though so maybe it just didnt register but i'm also pretty sure that the confirm button was greyed out and in the war room tab war status said enlisted.

    I'm wondering what it shows in the war room while matchmaking is going on but an alliance didnt enlist?
    Because as I said it showed that matchmaking was going on for 2h and if it's not the same then it basically confirms that we 100% enlisted.
  • XebrimaXebrima Member Posts: 1
    Sounds familiar, we enlisted for the last war 2 hours before matchmaking started and I am 100 percent sure we were enlisted, I double checked and none of my officers un-listed us.

    But, no match for us and it looks like we were not enlisted at the time matchmaking started. Will cost us our place in Gold 3, can‘t change that.

    No clue whats happening here, my workaround for the last war is to triple check that we are actually IN this time.
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