Please sell T3CC crystals to Uncollected players. And 400 units is waaaay too much

MuzzMuzz Member Posts: 124
I just ran the T3CC quest 12 times just hoiping the rng would give me a full cat and I got squat. The threads on this issue go back years now. If you don’t want to buff the rewards for the t3cc quest (god only knows why not), then please please please change the class T3 in the Glory store to a crystal so we can at least hope to get the one we want instead of waiting a week for it. Or you could just add the T3cc crystal to the glory store and keep the rotating class one. Or just put every class in there all the time. I don’t care, I just want them to me more readily available. At end game level, waiting around for T3cc to take a 5* to R2 is dumb when you’re sitting on everything else you need to take them all the way to rank 5. Please? I’m begging now. Fix the stupid quest already and make these things obtainable more than once a week.


  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    Pop-up offers are always too high. Also, BEST way to get T3CC is from Solo Events (and/or other places ?) that give out a ton of T3C Frag Crystals and even whole T3CC Crystals. I rarely ever need to go searching for more. It is only the T1 and T2 Daily Class Quests where I need to farm them.
  • MuzzMuzz Member Posts: 124

    Pop-up offers are always too high. Also, BEST way to get T3CC is from Solo Events (and/or other places ?) that give out a ton of T3C Frag Crystals and even whole T3CC Crystals. I rarely ever need to go searching for more. It is only the T1 and T2 Daily Class Quests where I need to farm them.

    I hear you. With all the content these days, I’ve stopped grinding as much, so I rarely hit the milestones in the solo events. I love that one can grind for what they need, but I’m at a point where I rather just pay for it. I’ve got other resources expiring, but I can’t use them because I don’t have one T3cc even after running that stupid quest 12 times. That’s not a grind... That’s wanting to bang my head against the wall and it happens all the time. I wish they would just fix the quest rewards. Of all the resources in this game these days, being so stingy with the T3CC is just plain dumb.
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