If you only use medium medium, you keep them at zero power. The power they gain from the first hit is immediately drained with the followup. I've found this to be quite effective against Magik as boss in AW. Build up to sp2, power lock her, use sp1 to remove buffs and possibly degen if dormammu is awakened. With his heavy attack you want to stack up 100 soul bond charges before you hit them with another heavy to detonate the charges thus dealing additional damage. Achieve that by either spamming a medium medium combo or by using an imbued SP2. You gain the imbued effect for your attacks once you acquire 100 dark energy charges, which are gained when your opponent loses power either by your power drain combo or by using specials. Along with his heavy, if you use his SP3 while imbued he gets a limited regen of 25% of the damage dealt from the soul bond detonation.
Medium, Medium, evade. Medium, Medium, evade. Medium, Medium, evade. Medium, Medium, evade. Medium, Medium, evade. Medium, Medium, evade. Medium, Medium, evade. SP2.
Didn't think that had to be said.