Small Vulture buff to make my boy better

MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
@Kabam Miike I tought about this for a long time and I think I have a small buff for Vulture that would make him really good or atleast better than what he is now.

These are the changes:

1.Increase his crit rate from 8.4% to 21.0%

This change would help him increase his incinerate gain and will highly increase his damage.

2. Make his special 3 do extra things for the amount of energy he has when he used his special. For example:

20 energy: Apply an incinarate debuff dealing x amount of damage over 5 seconds.

40 energy: Remove perfect block chance and reduces block proficiency by 50% while it’s active.

60 energy: Apply an armorbreak reducing the opponents armor by 60%.

80 energy: Vulture gains a fury and precision buff, increasing his damage and precision by 50%. (crit rate goes to 31.5%)

100 energy: Increase the duration of the incinerate debuff by 10seconds.
3. Change his Awakend ability to:
While the oppent is incinerated, Vulture gains 5% power per second as long he hits into the oppents block.

I think these changes could really help my Vulture boy, if you guys at Kabam could pls consider this as an option I would be really happy.


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