Hard decision

Goodday all of y'all,
As of today ive got the materials to awaken and rank up 1 cosmic 5* to r5:
Medusa who is currently r3
Corvus who is currently r4
I am going to use my r3=r4 cosmic gem to rank medusa.
Wich of these champions would serve me the most? Other r5 champs at the moment are Blade and Stark Enhanched Spiderman..
Thanks in advance for the voting/advice
Gr. Elojo
As of today ive got the materials to awaken and rank up 1 cosmic 5* to r5:
Medusa who is currently r3
Corvus who is currently r4
I am going to use my r3=r4 cosmic gem to rank medusa.
Wich of these champions would serve me the most? Other r5 champs at the moment are Blade and Stark Enhanched Spiderman..
Thanks in advance for the voting/advice
Gr. Elojo
The content i still need to do are:
Variant, LOL, act6
Just pulled a Venom the Duck, perhaps r4 him with the rank up gem? He doesnt need his sig where medusa isnt a r4 option unduped! Or just keep the rank up gem for future use?
P.s. the awakening gem is cosmic class
Thoughts on that @Anurag1606?
Corvus awakening definitely helps him a lot but it isn't absolutely necessary..
Also, VTD is more of a questing champ and so is Corvus a bit (needs fights to reach his full potential)
So, I'd prefer Medusa over VTD in the current scenario.
R5 Corvus Glaive
R4 Medusa + awakening gem