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Domino/Red Hulk Synergy - Incinerate on Heavy [MERGED THREADS]



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    ShalehanShalehan Posts: 15
    @EATCRITSANDDIE despite so,ppl rank her up with a reason..cannon or not,different ppl has their own views..she is definitely not working as intended..
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    BluntMacheteBluntMachete Posts: 134
    Shalehan said:

    @EATCRITSANDDIE despite so,ppl rank her up with a reason..cannon or not,different ppl has their own views..she is definitely not working as intended..

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    NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Posts: 1,075 ★★★

    gamep01nt said:

    Hi all,

    The fix for this is now live. Thanks for your patience as we figured this out!

    - Domino’s Heavy Attack Incinerate damage from Synergy with Red Hulk is not doing as much damage as it was previously.

    No it's not.
    They should show working gameplay before posting its fixed haha. It actually seems worse than the test video I did last night.
    It's working...KOed X23 in bounty mission, on epic, with my 4* Domino, 3 heavy and 4 lights, 10 hits total. She was melting in fire.
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    CammonRoCammonRo Posts: 377 ★★
    Domino is NOT fixed. I thought she was after the update by the mods and tested her in ROL and she *seemed* to be working but after attempting my legends run I realized she is not fixed *at all*. I was seeing DOT as low as 34 per tick. That's right 34. What a joke. Totally wrecked my chances to make a serious run and I realized I was never gonna make it so I just gave up. I don't know when I'll have a chance to try again. Probably won't. Meanwhile if this is the new Domino I want a rank down ticket so I can rank someone else. Very disappointed.
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    _Rogueyy__Rogueyy_ Posts: 25
    edited April 2019
    Its not fixed even after patch I noticed when fighting rol winter soldier that when I used a heavy attack I hit for 1,310 on the first hit then I hit for 14,427 on the second hit and did 1092 per tick in burn damage then I used a second heavy attack and on the first hit, i hit for 1,411 and second hit for 12,907 but applied a burn for 3,960 per tick there's no way the first heavy applied a burn less than the second heavy
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    WodimanWodiman Posts: 30
    Still not fixed
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    WodimanWodiman Posts: 30
    Dmg not right
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    Il_JooOIl_JooO Posts: 477 ★★
    she's still broken as hell guys
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    ShreddnesssShreddnesss Posts: 42
    same here, domino red hulk synergy - incinerate dmg not working properly - getting like 300 ticks with my rank 2 6* domino...crazy.
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    Jairo77777Jairo77777 Posts: 15
    DOMINO is still broken, the synergy with redhulk ​​and massacre does not work, very low incineration damage .. fix this bug and many of the update nonsense that they got .. urgent !!! :|
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    DrZedicusDrZedicus Posts: 19
    Can confirm domino is still broken
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    Ram_SarkarRam_Sarkar Posts: 13
    Domino synergy with redhulk ​​and massacre not working please fix this bug ASAP.
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    CammonRoCammonRo Posts: 377 ★★
    Not only is Code Red Revelations broken but I've noticed Domino now occasionally whiffs on the first part of her heavy. Add it to the growing list of bugs. This release is a disaster. How does Kabam not have regression testing?
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    정의의사자정의의사자 Posts: 21
    The Incinerate damage, the Red Hulk synergy of dominoes, has not been fixed. Compared to the previous state, the probability is low. You have to pay a rank down ticket.
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    seanjohn7944seanjohn7944 Posts: 153
    I can confirm my 6* r2 Domino does less damage with the RHulk/Massacre synergy than before.

    This rank up took an enormous amount of resources and I hope it can be resolved quickly.
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    DalBotDalBot Posts: 1,628 ★★★★★
    Many people have ranked up not just Domino, but also Red Hulk and Masacre for this synergy to be effective. This needs to be addressed ASAP as many people use this trio for content like 6.1 and EQ. If she isnt fixed properly then you ALSO need to address concerns on her synergy champs that people ranked up as well.
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    Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Posts: 2,936 ★★★
    We are still looking into this and ask for your patience as we work on a resolution. Thank you.
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    It was discussed and they found that it never scaled exactly as described, and if they made the change to scale the bleed up with the double attack bonus from lucky sp2 combined with crit bleed damage bonus, it would break the game. So they are not going to make any change and instead are changing the description of sp2 to more accurately reflect what has always been happening during that interaction

    TL:dr Domino as designed originally was game breaking and without that oversight would have surely been nerfed immediately after release. It’s better this way
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    Mat152Mat152 Posts: 18
    Its insane how fast the servers come down if something benefits us (Revive farming), but Domino and other stuff that goes against us stays up. Does not help at all the fact that this EQ is shorter and yet still requires same amount of energy. Been with this game for over 4 years now but it has never looked worse than these last few months.
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    What the butt? There was never a in game message of this or patch notes. This is what I am worried about, that they’ll just say the synergy is not what they intended and now they are going to change it without saying anything.

    These two instances are not comparable. Code red revelations synergy worked as intended and described, for numerous patches, until broken by the mr sinister interaction. They have said “we’re working on a fix” and I believe them

    Lucky sp2 crit bleed never worked as intended, and it took 1 person to figure it out much later because it still does heaps of damage, so much so that you can kill WS on RoL in 6 hits.
    I kept up with the original thread on this via proxy, someone in a line group so I can’t link the evidence but I’m tending to believe them here too. 48 hours after the patch was meant to drop (they don’t actually have control over the timing, the app stores do) let’s not rush to the noose yet is all I’m saying
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    BluntMacheteBluntMachete Posts: 134
    Have you guys ever thought that the way the synergy is working now may be how it was intended. The previous way you could kill any UC content in 2-3 heavies. I have a video of clearing a full UC path in under 30 hits, total, incl boss, with just this synergy. Be prepared to possibly have this be permanent.
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    Mrwarren96Mrwarren96 Posts: 435 ★★

    Have you guys ever thought that the way the synergy is working now may be how it was intended. The previous way you could kill any UC content in 2-3 heavies. I have a video of clearing a full UC path in under 30 hits, total, incl boss, with just this synergy. Be prepared to possibly have this be permanent.

    But it's clearly isn't.. her abilities state what they should do with the synergy and the champion is not performing that ability, if the game designers didnt want that to happen then they shouldn't have made it so, surely they test these characters out before releasing and would have been able to see the damage possible and went yeah that's okay.. if they decide to keep as is or dont put her correct I expect a huge up roar from the community
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    JRock808JRock808 Posts: 1,149 ★★★★

    Have you guys ever thought that the way the synergy is working now may be how it was intended. The previous way you could kill any UC content in 2-3 heavies. I have a video of clearing a full UC path in under 30 hits, total, incl boss, with just this synergy. Be prepared to possibly have this be permanent.

    As long as it comes with... dun dun dunnnnnn.. rank down tickets!

This discussion has been closed.