I understand this is a known and common issue.
Every single alliance we have faced during the off season is tanking l, without exception.
It may negatively impact us during the season but we are fine with that. This alliance would kill us normally.
I understand it’s a thing.
Every single alliance we have faced during the off season is tanking l, without exception.
It may negatively impact us during the season but we are fine with that. This alliance would kill us normally.
I understand it’s a thing.
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On a personal note, it's just plain dirty.
Allies are taking Losses to lower their War Rating, so they can ambush weaker Allies for Seasons momentum. The people who are trying to be Matched with reasonable Matches are being taken advantage of. All these people are doing is entering a Match. It is the definition of taking advantage. Only it comes at someone else's expense. You can't climb your way uphill on someone's back and not expect to make footprints.
Listen, im not crying about it. The matchmaking system has provided good matchups for us in season but once the offseason hits it went haywire.
If there was no issue people wouldn’t feel the need to completely alter their war strategy.
I understand coming across as a bootstrapper but let us not ignore reality.
They are taking advantage of weaker Allies to use those easy Win Points. That is taking advantage. It's using the Matchmaking in a manipuative way so they can cherry pick easy Wins much lower than their actual strength. It comes at the expense of the honest Allies who lose Points trying to play fairly with their own Season goals. That is the definition of taking advantage. Reality check. There's nothing fair or honest about it.
I’m just saying there are better ways to say something. And again if someone feels emotionally or psychologically hurt because of something happening in a game, then we are dealing with another problem entirely.
We're talking about intentionally taking dives. I'm sure we all know what the Topic is.
We know what we're talking about and I'm not going to pretend it's excused by that. It is wrong, plain and simple. The problem is, people don't care about their actions. They don't care who it takes away from, they don't care that it's wrong, they don't care if it creates an unfair advantage or not. All they care about is getting Points no matter what. It's greed.
At some point you can clear content and do well in war. Not to mention there are consistent periods during the season where all champs should be available during that month long period.
As an alliance leader I’m not buying the idea that you need the off season to clear content.