Alliance energy request button broken!!

I've already sent in a support ticket but I wanted to know if anyone else has had this issue?
I've not been able to press it since the update, its been way way over the 8 hours timer so that's quite a lot of energy that never came because of this crappy little bug/glitch or whatever
I've not been able to press it since the update, its been way way over the 8 hours timer so that's quite a lot of energy that never came because of this crappy little bug/glitch or whatever

It used to be that you could ask for energy at 69/70 as long as the timer had reset.
Just a change they made without notifying I guess.
IOS user
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious
Any idea what's happening here please!
Playing on a Samsung Galaxy S8, latest Android and app update, without help button issues. Maybe it's device related?