Mystery break rttl game

DjBabuDjBabu Member Posts: 42
I was doing rttl chapter 4 round 3 there is spite node which activates when attacker has buff so now dexterity gives precision buff so it's really not good
So now I can't dex his attack have to take block damage if I dex his next sp will be unblockable


  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    Yeah you'll need a power control champ for the fight, magik, DV, or a champ that can tank sp3s like iceman or duped luke cage. And it's not that you can't use dexterity during that fight you just need to limit the times you use it or quickly get rid of it once you do use dex.
  • DjBabuDjBabu Member Posts: 42
    I have 4* magik you think he enough to get block damage and if by mistake I use dex than he will reach sp3 before I reach sp2
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    I used a 5/50 magik, its been a few months since I've done it so I can't remember but yeah try not to use dex until you can get that sp2 off and then once he's powerlocked you can use dex all you want
  • DjBabuDjBabu Member Posts: 42
    They didn't change lol redhulk but they screw rttl
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    edited April 2019
    Ha. So, don’t dex. If you do, evade the special. Spite is not a new node. It’s all over the place. I’m guessing you should focus on story quest as opposed to RTTL.
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  • DjBabuDjBabu Member Posts: 42
    Bro now if you dex u will get precision buff which was not the case before they changed it few months ago
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,736 ★★★★★
    Dex always was a precision buff
  • SnurrisSnurris Member Posts: 440 ★★★
    I did that one last night. Was a pain but 5/50 iceman got me through. Good luck!
  • SnurrisSnurris Member Posts: 440 ★★★

    Ha. So, don’t dex. If you do, evade the special. Spite is not a new node. It’s all over the place. I’m guessing you should focus on story quest as opposed to RTTL.

    Since IP stores power till SP3 it might be a bit hard to evade....
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  • VeeTeeTeeVeeTeeTee Member Posts: 72
    DjBabu said:

    Bro now if you dex u will get precision buff which was not the case before they changed it few months ago

    it has always been a buff, dexterity would always trigger spite. The recent change to dexterity didn't change a thing about spite mechanics.
    use quake to bypass dexterity, or a champ that power drains on SP1, not SP2, like vision or hawkeye. Doc Oc should also work.
    also, power gain synergies can help with Magik - I was able to get to SP2 before IP reached SP3, and if I remember correctly, the synergies were built around hawkeye SW, Elektra and Daredevil
  • DjBabuDjBabu Member Posts: 42
    Thanks Everyone for getting an idea which champ will be good
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    DjBabu said:

    Bro now if you dex u will get precision buff which was not the case before they changed it few months ago

    As others have said, the Dexterity mastery has always triggered a Precision buff, which would in turn trigger enemy power gain via the Spite node. This was true when RttL was released and it's true now. The update to the dexterity mastery didn't change this (though the increased duration of the precision buff post-update does make the power gain last a bit longer).

  • TheSadlerArcadeTheSadlerArcade Member Posts: 26
    DRTO said:

    Yeah you'll need a power control champ for the fight, magik, DV, or a champ that can tank sp3s like iceman or duped luke cage. And it's not that you can't use dexterity during that fight you just need to limit the times you use it or quickly get rid of it once you do use dex.

    DV has regen for like 30 seconds so he is a no go
  • TheLegendzPlayTheLegendzPlay Member Posts: 31
    DjBabu said:

    I was doing rttl chapter 4 round 3 there is spite node which activates when attacker has buff so now dexterity gives precision buff so it's really not good
    So now I can't dex his attack have to take block damage if I dex his next sp will be unblockable

    You can use anyone with taunt to make him use special attacks.
  • WabobaWaboba Member Posts: 271 ★★
    edited April 2019
    DjBabu said:

    I was doing rttl chapter 4 round 3 there is spite node which activates when attacker has buff so now dexterity gives precision buff so it's really not good
    So now I can't dex his attack have to take block damage if I dex his next sp will be unblockable

    Quake, just don't dex and you will be fine.
    You need to know how to play with her tho
  • DjBabuDjBabu Member Posts: 42
    I don't have her so I will take magik
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    Any champ who can taunt will work also. I used a 5/50 magik a looooong time ago. Also dex has always be a precision buff. If you have mystic dispersion you can trigger it when his armor buff expires. It’s possible to get to special 2 before he gets 3. Take some block damage while limbo is active and you’ll get there.
  • HendrossHendross Member Posts: 966 ★★★
    No one mentioned Starky yet? You can taunt out all-or-nothing al-be-it I used Magik like most others.
  • WATCHEDWATCHED Member Posts: 186
    OG vision handled all of 4.4.3 for me, tough but doable. Power control champs are a must for that map. I beat RTTL this year after waiting for about 2 years to try it again
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