Known Issues [Current Version 24.3]

Here is a list of Known Issues and items that we are currently investigating:
- Champions with Whip/Tentacle like attacks are not making contact with part of the their Attacks (Carnage’s Sp1, Ghost Rider’s Sp1, Medusa’s attacks that use her Hair, etc.)
- Domino’s Heavy Attack Incinerate damage from Synergy with Red Hulk is not doing as much damage as it was previously.
- Yondu’s non-Yaka Arrow basic attacks are being treated as Projectiles, and cannot be Parry-Stunned.
- Emma Frost’s PI has jumped significantly
- Double Edge’s Values in game are incorrect (FIXED)
- Some Champions are invulnerable longer than intended after their Special Attacks (Loki after Sp1, X-23 after Sp2)
- Sentinel is reacting too quickly after Sp1
Please note, we may not have reproduction steps on all of the above just yet, and this list may change as we get more information. We will add more to this lift if additional bugs are reproduced, and are not including Performance Issues.
Additionally, we are currently working on a Hotfix Release to address as many of these as possible.
- Champions with Whip/Tentacle like attacks are not making contact with part of the their Attacks (Carnage’s Sp1, Ghost Rider’s Sp1, Medusa’s attacks that use her Hair, etc.)
- Domino’s Heavy Attack Incinerate damage from Synergy with Red Hulk is not doing as much damage as it was previously.
- Yondu’s non-Yaka Arrow basic attacks are being treated as Projectiles, and cannot be Parry-Stunned.
- Emma Frost’s PI has jumped significantly
- Double Edge’s Values in game are incorrect (FIXED)
- Some Champions are invulnerable longer than intended after their Special Attacks (Loki after Sp1, X-23 after Sp2)
- Sentinel is reacting too quickly after Sp1
Please note, we may not have reproduction steps on all of the above just yet, and this list may change as we get more information. We will add more to this lift if additional bugs are reproduced, and are not including Performance Issues.
Additionally, we are currently working on a Hotfix Release to address as many of these as possible.
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
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Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Sentinel was able to react faster than intended after completing his Sp1 attack
- Fixed an issue where Beast would miss his first hit in his Sp1 after chaining from a Medium Attack
- Fixed an issue where Massacre's Sp1 was missing halfway through his Attack
- Fixed an issue where X-23 was invulnerable longer than intended after her Sp2
- Fixed an issue where Ghost Rider's Sp1 would not make contact on the first hit
- Fixed an issue where you were not able to Parry Stun Yondu on his non-projectile basic attacks
- Fixed an issue where Carnage's final hit on his Sp1 did not make contact
- Fixed an issue where the AI was reacting quicker from their Stun state than intended
- Fixed an Issue where Loki was invulnerable longer than intended after his Sp2
- Fixed an Issue where Bishop was invulnerable longer than intended after his Sp2
- There is an issue with activation of Human Torch's pre-fight ability in Alliance Quest. This issue was resolved on April 22.
- Emma Frost’s Prestige is incorrect. This will be resolved in the 23.0 update.
- There is an issue with sound playing incorrectly in game. This will be resolved in the 23.0 update.
- There is an issue where some players may experience a frozen screen at the beginning of a fight. This will be resolved in the 23.0 update.
- There is an issue with Champions sometimes launching Special Attacks while being attacked or blocking. This will be resolved in the 23.0.1 update.
- There is an issue causing the "backdraft intercept" technique to not function. This will be resolved in the 23.0.1 update.
- There is an issue causing the opponent AI to sometimes act too defensively. This will be resolved in the 23.0.1 update.
- There is an issue in which Mephisto’s Soul Imprisonment is not preventing the Annihilus Control Rod buff. This issue has been resolved.
- There is an issue where Nick Fury’s Tactical Advantage charges may fall off when he has Fury buffs active. This issue has been resolved.
- There is an issue where Spider-Gwen or She-Hulk’s Slow debuff will not prevent Unstoppable from Death’s Embrace node. This issue has been resolved.
- There is currently an issue affecting v23.0 where Summoners are unable to use Rank Up gems on their Champions. This was fixed in the 23.0.1 update.
- There is currently an issue with Solo Objectives where if you have multiple completed Objectives, claiming one of them will award you with all of the rewards for the other completed Objectives. You’ll still need to “claim” the others in order to move on to the next Objective in the Chain, but will not receive double rewards for them.
- The timer for Help Request for energy is not displaying. This will be resolved in the 23.1 update.
- There is a visual issue with the display of Medusa’s hair during the Medium attack. This will be resolved in the 23.1 update.
- There is an issue where Rhino will not gain Fury from a 5-hit combo against a wall. This will be resolved in the 23.1 update.
- There is an issue where Global chat is displaying as the default instead of Alliance chat. This will be resolved in the 23.1 update.
- There is an issue where sometimes Hyperion is unable to be blocked after Special 3. This will be resolved in the 23.1 update.
- There is an issue where holding block during Special 3 may cause a Champion to dash instead of block. This will be resolved in the 23.1 update.
- There is an issue where Phoenix’s Special 1 may not land after a combo unless the opponent is against a wall. This will be resolved in the 23.1 update.
- There is an issue with in-game chat notifications not displaying. This will be resolved in the 23.1 update.
- There is an issue with the camera angle sometimes being zoomed out too far at the start of fights. This is under investigation.
- There is an issue with Sentinel recovering too quickly after using Special 1. This will be resolved in the 23.1 update.
- There is an issue with Gambit missing the last hit of Special 1. This will be resolved in the 23.1 update.
- There is an issue where it is possible for a fight to time out during a Special 3 animation. This will be resolved in the 23.1 update.
- Damage is not being reflected back against glanced attacks on Captain America Infinity War while on the Micro Reflect node. This will be fixed in the 23.1 update.
- Champions can land a Critical Hit on Glancing. This issue will be fixed so that Champions will no longer be able to land a Critical Hit when Glancing, even if it was a guaranteed Critical Hit. Therefore Micro Reflect will only reflect back regular, non-critical damage. This will be fixed in the 23.1 update.
The following issues were fixed on April 26.
- Fixed an issues where Nameless (Thanos)'s Protection from his 2nd Phase could be active in his 3rd Phase
- Fixed an issue where extending the Armor Break in his 3rd Phase would not extend the downtime of his Indestructible Buff
The following issue was fixed on April 30.
-There was an issue where Wasp's Petrify was able to bypass Nameless Thanos's immunity to power manipulation. This interaction was not intended and will be fixed to bring the interaction in line with other petrify effects in game.
The following issue was fixed on May 1.
- Havok in the Last Stand event started with 3 bars of power. We fixed this by removing the Power Start 2 from these Nodes.
The following issue was fixed on May 2.
-Fixed an issue where Nameless Thanos would lose his Indestructible if intercepted while the attacker had 0 Armor Breaks, lasting until he received an Armor Break.
The following issue was fixed on May 6.
-Fixed an issue where the shock damage from Ironman's Mind Stone and damage from Hawkeye's Reality Stone were using base attack values instead of modified attack values.
The following issue was fixed on May 7.
-Fixed an issue where Ultron would no longer be able to hit Ebony Maw after Missing the 5th hit, which has a 100% Critical chance. The counter for his 100% Critical hit will now be reset even if the hit doesn't strike the Opponent due to Evasion, Miss or Invulnerability. Hitting into a Block will not reset this counter.
There is an issue that affects Iron Man’s ability to land a Special 2 after some 5-hit combos. This is resolved in the 24.1 update.
There is an issue where Vision’s Power Burn from Special 3 scales with the opponent’s current Power rather than maximum Power. This is resolved in the 24.1 update.
There is an issue where sometimes the second hit of Mephisto’s Special 1 wouldn’t connect. This is resolved in the 24.1 update.
There is an issue when spectating Alliance War maps, linked nodes with no Champions on them will appear to provide link boosts. This is only a visual issue. This is resolved in the 24.1 update.
Overcharge is being removed from Punisher 2099 when he is hit. This will be changed so that Overcharge will activate with Special 1 and will remain active until it expires or is removed or prevented by an ability. This is resolved in the 24.1 update.
The following abilities will no longer be critical through a block: M.O.D.O.K.’s 7th attack, Ultron’s 5th attack, Wasp’s heavy attack, Elektra’s attacks while the opponent is below 15% max health (25% if awakened), Ghost’s attacks when exiting from Phasing or launching a Special while Phasing, Gamora’s Special 1 and Special 2, Nebula’s first Special 1 or Special 2 with the Gamora synergy, Spider-Man (Symbiote)’s Special 2, and Jane Foster’s attacks while the opponent is stunned (based upon a percentage chance depending on signature ability level). This is resolved in the 24.1 update.
There is an issue where Curse from Loki’s Special 3 does not steal The Champion’s Unstoppable buff. This is resolved in the 24.1 update.
There is an issue where the Solo Objectives page will sometimes not load. This is resolved in the 24.1 update.
There is an issue where Fury from Cull Obsidian's signature ability isn't increasing duration by 0.5 seconds for each hit while Rout is active (for 5-Star and 6-Star versions only.) This was resolved on July 19.
There is an issue where Cull Obsidian is only able to pause the duration of one of his Thanos' Favor Buffs when striking an opponent, when he should be pausing the duration for all of them. This was resolved on July 19.
There is an issue where Fisticuffs node and Fateseal effects would remove Iceman’s Ice Armor for the full duration of the fight. This was resolved on July 19.
We are investigating an issue with how Alliance War MVP is calculated.
There is an issue with some Node descriptions displaying in English rather than the chosen game language. This will be resolved in the 24.2 update.
The location of the Special buttons has moved up on some devices. This will be resolved and reverted back to their previous positioning in the 24.2 update.
There is a crashing issue with Loki’s Curse interaction with Critical Buff Nodes. This will be resolved in an the 24.2 update.
There is an issue where Nightcrawler can evade Iron Man Infinity War’s Repulsor attacks. This will be resolved in the 24.2 update.
The Vivified node will be updated to clarify that the defender has 200% defensive power gain and cannot be affected by Power Drain, Power Steal or Power Burn abilities. It will be possible to use Power Lock abilities. This will be resolved in the 24.2 update.
There is an issue where quitting out of a Special 3 attack will cause an infinite loading screen. This will be resolved in the 24.2 update.
Fixed an issue where using Dexterity against Namor when he has a damage over time effect active would result in that damage over time effect being reflected. This issue was resolved on August 19.
The following Champions shared 1 of 2 possible moves that enabled them to Combo into a Heavy Attack: Unstoppable Colossus, Drax, Iron Man, Superior Iron Man, Iron Patriot, Kang, Luke Cage, Punisher, Ultron (Classic), Ultron, War Machine, Old Man Logan, Daredevil, Daredevil (Classic). This is resolved in the 24.3 game update.
There is an issue where Medusa’s Armor Shattered is not interacting with abilities that affect Armor Break. Armor Break and Armor Shattered will be updated to be separate types of effects. We are working to update Medusa’s Armor Shattered Debuff and its description to indicate it will continue to be counted as both and Armor Shatter and an Armor Break. More information can be found here. This will be resolved in the 25.0 update.
There is currently an issue where the Bleeds from Medusa’s critical Light Attacks and all Heavy Attacks can persist even after an opponent has no Armor Shattered Debuffs on them. This will be resolved in the 25.0 update.
There is an issue where stacking Medusa’s Armor Shattered Debuffs can allow Robots to continue gaining Power. This will be resolved in the 25.0 update.
There is an issue where gaining a stack of Molecular Armor on Iron Man (Infinity War) will only remove one stack of Bleed him, rather than removing all Bleeds. This will be resolved in the 25.0 update.
There is an issue where Emma Frost will sometimes appear to stay in Diamond Form, even when she has switched to Telepath Form. This will be resolved in the 25.0 update.
There is an issue where players may sometimes be unable to continue a Dungeon they’ve started previously. This will be resolved in the 25.0 update.
There's a known issue where Guillotine 2099's Self Repair amount is scaling off of modified health rather than base health. There is also a known issue where Guillotine's 2099's Self Repair ability can activate twice during the same fight if she starts the fight below 15% health. These interactions are not intended and both of these issues will be resolved in the 25.0 game update coming out soon.