Which champ you pulled stopped you from quitting this game?

So I was watching a couple videos from Supr Gaming, and I heard him say that he was starting to lose interest in the game because his luck from hero crystals haven't been great recently. That got me reminiscing about a time I became disenchanted with the game and contemplated quitting it. This was after 12.0.
I was still fairly new to the game but I was lucky to pull 4* Doctor Strange. Very quickly I changed from being a player who struggled in war and AQ, to one who killed bosses thanks to him. Then that stupid 12.0 hit and he became a shadow of what he was.
My roster wasn't deep, so suddenly I found myself having to spend lots of units on potions and revives, and I couldn't beat Master event quest again like I used to. I started to lose motivation for the game.!Then I pulled 4* Doctor Voodoo when he came in the basic crystals.
Some people don't rate him highly now, but he was a godsend for my account when 4*s mattered. He helped fill the role DS once had, and from there I was able to grow from strength to strength thanks to him. So my question to anyone who got this far in reading this lol, which champ did you pull that stopped you from quitting the game? It doesn't have to be a god tier champ, but one that gave you encouragement to continue on. I still hold a soft spot for DS and he will remain my Forum avatar in perpetuity, but DV became my go to champ for a long time.
I was still fairly new to the game but I was lucky to pull 4* Doctor Strange. Very quickly I changed from being a player who struggled in war and AQ, to one who killed bosses thanks to him. Then that stupid 12.0 hit and he became a shadow of what he was.
My roster wasn't deep, so suddenly I found myself having to spend lots of units on potions and revives, and I couldn't beat Master event quest again like I used to. I started to lose motivation for the game.!Then I pulled 4* Doctor Voodoo when he came in the basic crystals.
Some people don't rate him highly now, but he was a godsend for my account when 4*s mattered. He helped fill the role DS once had, and from there I was able to grow from strength to strength thanks to him. So my question to anyone who got this far in reading this lol, which champ did you pull that stopped you from quitting the game? It doesn't have to be a god tier champ, but one that gave you encouragement to continue on. I still hold a soft spot for DS and he will remain my Forum avatar in perpetuity, but DV became my go to champ for a long time.
What keeps me in this game, is about being in a fun alliance, meeting great players, learning the game, and doing AQ and AW as a team. We win majority, we loose some, but in the end, the chat rooms of our alliance are great.
We are a full 30 players alliance, full AQ and we just got Gold1 in season 8 of AW.
I do not get mega godtier champions or game changing champions, but if it would be only about that... I would not invest as much time playing this game.
Moreover, for MCOC (and other collecting stuff games) as you get more champs, it's harder to pull a champ you don't have already, so the percent chance of pulling a game changing champ keeps decreasing.
At the end of the day, players need to find a balance with their time since this is only a game. ONLY a game. Don't lose your body's health and real life responsibilities to it.
The mechanics don't change too much to this game. The game's enjoyable because of things like the playerbase, the new content, the rewards, and the two new champs per month.
Burnout just means the player is getting overwhelmed with mcoc/life/etc. Players should take steps back from mcoc and reevaluate how much time they dedicate.
He was my first good 4* and before it I used my maxed out 3* Hyperion, Medusa, IMIW, Killmonger and Iceman.
Blade literally helped me to stomp in Heroic Xenoclast EQ. I got Wasp and 5* Mordo after this event and I recently pulled a 4* IMIW and my 2nd 5*,Wasp.
I am still in need of my 5th champion, a good 4*/5*. I have Dr.Strange, Killmonger, Guillotine and Symbiote Supreme as some other good 4* but I am waiting for a Mutant, I have a Mutant AG from intel too, but only Mutant I have is Logan. So, I'm just waiting for Domino or AA or Omega Red.
I wish you AA, game changer!
but right now...
the 5* that i grinded in arena.
5* omega red and corvus both from arena.
after 20 6* pulls i am still waiting on 1 that i want to r2
This guy, twice 😀😀
this is my roster - 4 years of playing, and I have no viable option to complete act 6.1.
thank you very much kabam. you've created the least rewarding game for the effort put in the history of gaming. it feels like mine sweeper is far superior to mcoc
Wanna deal
and nope, thanks - apparently it's against Terms of Service lol
Great run for a couple of months, and then year-long drought that has only recently started to break a bit. I’m not sure being grown up has anything to do with frustration with the game—even adults get bored with the same thing over and over, and the world is full of interesting things to do beyond MCOC.
Dr. Zola
Cap IW 6*
"Poor me, I got Loki, I quit". Come on.
My "bad" pulls motivate me to go and try again for a better pull.
he is god teir
Tried my luck at a few unit crystals (normally a big disappointment) but actually pulled a 5* Venom the Duck. That guy is so fun to play! I use him in AQ and now I look forward to that section of the game again.
Figured okay lightening struck once, push my luck.. 5* Mister Sinister! He’s racking up a few kills for me in war.
Then on 2 regular 5* pulls I got Korg and lastly Ægon (from the free kabam crystal given).
March was a good in-game month!
But sure, you can always change that. Buy some crystals. Spend money! Only 200usd for 20 Cavalier crystals that will give you 5 4*s which will be useless to you, and which you most probably already have anyway.
edit: January
This guy that I just pulled on my 8th Featured crystal