Should I take my 5* Cosmic Spidey to R4?

I have like 8 cosmic t4cc. And I don't have better options as well. The only cosmic 5* I have is undupped CM. Will this be a good idea? Thanks. My 5* cosmic spidey is 1-time dupped.

I like him. He hits like a truck. If you have Resources, use them. You will get more.
The only better option i can think of is hyperion. Its not everyday we can dup 5*.
I'm thinking he's good at unblockable sp1 in AW.
as for your question, do it. his damage output is insane. and you might be able to do LOL easy path with him
the thing is, he is somewhat better unduped. but still good.
You're crazy. Drax is as good if not better than spidey. In addition, if you run deep wounds, Drax bleeds a beatch like a big dog. Gwenpool is the only one that seems to bleed beatches more.
I like them both, actually. Drax has speed. Those Bleeds are great too. Sym Spidey is basically a Cosmic IF with Evade. He hits hard.
But yes rank up spidey black, kabama must release more t2a if not people will stop playing
How is he better undup? Hmmm