Buffet and Masochism should have the same change with the Nick Fury synergy

While the timing for the synergy change is horrible, I agree that removing only one debuff makes sense.
But if that's changed, what's the reasoning behind masochism and buffet triggering on multiple debuffs/buffs? Don't they have bssically the same text description? Why so inconsistent?
Also want to point out that it's very funny that Kaban fixed this ASAP, while Corvus still takes bleed/coldsnap damage sometimes, and the other million bugs that came with this clown fiesta update.
But if that's changed, what's the reasoning behind masochism and buffet triggering on multiple debuffs/buffs? Don't they have bssically the same text description? Why so inconsistent?
Also want to point out that it's very funny that Kaban fixed this ASAP, while Corvus still takes bleed/coldsnap damage sometimes, and the other million bugs that came with this clown fiesta update.
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Nick Fury was taking advantage of this, and it was instantly fixed. Can we get the same fix for korg/king groot/ kingpin/Masochism/etc nodes aswell please? Its only fair.
It was not how he was intended to perform.
Masochism is not a Champ. It's a piece of content, and it can perform however they want the content to challenge us. It's not the same as a Champ that we use performing as intended. Is it supposed to shrug off more than one Buff? No idea. Ask them. All I know is people are making a fuss because they fixed something that was clearly outlined here:
I never said once they don't fix bugs that hurt players, don't put words in my mouth.
I'm simply asking if the fix applied to Nick fury will also hit the other debuff purifiying issue in the game, totally reasonable question/request.
I read patch notes, they just fixed two emma bugs in our favor this patch. I'm not a delusional complainer so you can't hand wave me away.
Purifying multiple debuffs has been an issue for a long time, Now that they figured it out with fury, I jsut want to know if it will/can be addressed in other places.
I'd love to be able to use resonate on void without him reseting all his debuffs vs anyone who shrugs or vs any mascochism node.
it is also strange that one minute you are very firm about you know what the developer intended nick fury to be, because it is stated in his text.
the next minute you are saying (masochism) "Is it supposed to shrug off more than one Buff? No idea."
why can't the same logic apply? why can't we just look at the masochism node text to decide how it it should function? why suddenly you have no idea of how masochism is intended to perform? aren't you supposed to be the expert since you're knowledgable about every issue and respond to every thread? very curious
Every 7 seconds the next Debuff triggered on this Champion is immediately removed.
It's quite clear it is intended to only shrug off 1 debuff, not multiple. The same is true for Nick Fury's synergy. Why is it that only the one benefiting the players is instantly hotfixed, while the other remains bugged? $$$
Not a bug. Working as intended. Confirmed by the MOD's as intended behaviour.
like he said ,the description should be updated a long time ago
This is correct. Buffet takes away the first Buff that activates, and if multiple activate at once, it will remove them all. Corvus's buffs are not passive, so they can be nullified/interacted with in other ways.
As for the topic, I believe Coat is correct. In the case of Champs that apply Debuffs at once, Corvus, etc., I believe they register as one. For example, if a Champ applies a Debuff through Block/Parry, I think it applies as one Debuff within the coding.