6* Cap IW duped to R2 or 5/65 Corvus duped?

RipVanWinkleRipVanWinkle Member Posts: 13
edited April 2019 in Strategy and Tips
I use my 6* duped Cap IW and 4/55 Corvus in AQ and AW every day. Corvus is usually AQ and Cap is usually AW. I'm about to form my 2nd T5B and am very tempted to rank up my Corvus now. I am fully aware of the potential of both of these awesome champs, so I'm not looking for reasons pertaining abilities. Unless I pull a Ghost, these two champs will likely be where my next T5B cats go for the near future. My question is simply which one to rank up right now. I am a bit concerned about Cap IW's sig at 20 as I know how useful it can be once he gets higher up. I have a 5* 3/45 unawakened Cap IW, so I have chosen to dump my generic and science stones into my 3/45 Void for now. That essentially locks me in to the 6* version of Cap IW for the foreseeable future. What are your thoughts?

As a side note, I am very likely going to be unlocking suicides in the next few weeks. My 4/55 can handle the first 4 days of Map 6 very well, and usually gets pretty close to knocking out Day 5.

Other 5/65 Champs

4/55 Champs
Ghost Rider


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