Unacceptable Customer Service

Now before you moderators close this thread for being disrespectful, actually read the post before responding, unlike the support team.
I have been playing this game for two years now. It's been my favorite game since I downloaded it. I'm not available all the time, and I haven't put as much time and money into the game as many have. But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the game and that I haven't spent entire days devoted to arena and event quests and recruiting for my alliance. This has been my favorite game until now.
Kabam used to be a great company. Contest of Champions was a smash hit to begin with, and for good reason. There were few errors that hindered the exhilerating gameplay. Any huge bugs or server errors would yield some compensation, such as a Premium Crystal, which wasn't much, but it at least let us know that Kabam cared. The fighting repetitive at times, but simply taking a bit off would fix that. But then 12.0 hit. Everyone freaked out. Bugs were everywhere. We all flipped, but at least Kabam had given some good compensation with it. Kabam, being the good company they were (emphasis on "were"), dropped 12.1, which was heavily centered on bug fixes. We got a lot of more compensation for the screw-ups. But there were still lots of bugs. We kept letting Kabam know what they'd done wrong, and we were relentless. But Kabam's next update fixed very few bugs. They were more focused on the new content than the bugs. So many more bugs were introduced with 13.0 in comparison to the fixes that the number of bugs INCREASED. Kabam didn't learn. Since then, there's been very few bugs fixes, and Kabam has been more focused on the new content. Of the new bugs, many are game-breaking. Double-evade, Parry/Dexterity issues, Unresponsive Champions, the list goes on and on. Fixes now take a month, and so many of these issues make the game unplayable. We just have to hope that the bugs aren't too bad with the next update.
Now, Kabam has released a new Beta Test update to some users. This update is supposed to contain a new feature. Our job is to test this new feature and let Kabam know what we think. But Kabam didn't ask our permission if we wanted to test this feature. Many of us who have auto-update on got a huge amount of data consumed by this update that wasn't announced. Plus there are many inevitable bugs and problems with this update. Lag and crashing is worse than ever. Champions don't respond to many of our commands. We were forced to take this update against our will. Oh, and that new feature? It's nonexistent. No one can find what Kabam wants us to find. We're testing nothing, but we got the issues that came along with it. A thread was created by a concerned user who was experiencing the issues from this update. @Kabam Miike came into the thread and announced that it was a Beta Test. He moved it to the bugs section and said we should report any issues that came with the update. Then he left. We announced our issues. There were tons of them. We began to notice that the thread wasn't showing up at the top of the discussion board when we posted. Miike wasn't commenting anymore, despite him logging in and closing threads periodically. The most important thread about Kabam's screw-ups is malfunctioning. Convenient, isn't it? This company is broken. You're letting the game die, and you're ignoring those who are trying to show you how to save it. I contacted support twice, asking what was being tested. They responded by saying it was a test. Support doesn't read our entire comments. They just read two words and copy over a response that uses those words. They're as supportive as a rock.
If you don't start listening to us, your game and company will die. I'm not threatening you, and I'm not being disrespectful. I'm simply saying that no one likes a company that doesn't listen to their customers. And when they do listen, they don't act on they're promises. Perfect example right here. Read this comment by @Kabam Wolf. It's before the mods got the orange text, so make sure you're looking for it:
That comment was 60 days ago. This has been "under investigation" for 60 days. Kabam hasn't found a way to fix an issue in 60 days. This is moronic.
Here's a link to the thread that won't get bumped: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/12729/todays-update/p1
And Kabam, if you close or delete this thread, it'll just show that you don't care about or listen to your customers. Please take this advice before the game dies. We want this game to continue, but it can't go on if you don't let it.
I have been playing this game for two years now. It's been my favorite game since I downloaded it. I'm not available all the time, and I haven't put as much time and money into the game as many have. But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the game and that I haven't spent entire days devoted to arena and event quests and recruiting for my alliance. This has been my favorite game until now.
Kabam used to be a great company. Contest of Champions was a smash hit to begin with, and for good reason. There were few errors that hindered the exhilerating gameplay. Any huge bugs or server errors would yield some compensation, such as a Premium Crystal, which wasn't much, but it at least let us know that Kabam cared. The fighting repetitive at times, but simply taking a bit off would fix that. But then 12.0 hit. Everyone freaked out. Bugs were everywhere. We all flipped, but at least Kabam had given some good compensation with it. Kabam, being the good company they were (emphasis on "were"), dropped 12.1, which was heavily centered on bug fixes. We got a lot of more compensation for the screw-ups. But there were still lots of bugs. We kept letting Kabam know what they'd done wrong, and we were relentless. But Kabam's next update fixed very few bugs. They were more focused on the new content than the bugs. So many more bugs were introduced with 13.0 in comparison to the fixes that the number of bugs INCREASED. Kabam didn't learn. Since then, there's been very few bugs fixes, and Kabam has been more focused on the new content. Of the new bugs, many are game-breaking. Double-evade, Parry/Dexterity issues, Unresponsive Champions, the list goes on and on. Fixes now take a month, and so many of these issues make the game unplayable. We just have to hope that the bugs aren't too bad with the next update.
Now, Kabam has released a new Beta Test update to some users. This update is supposed to contain a new feature. Our job is to test this new feature and let Kabam know what we think. But Kabam didn't ask our permission if we wanted to test this feature. Many of us who have auto-update on got a huge amount of data consumed by this update that wasn't announced. Plus there are many inevitable bugs and problems with this update. Lag and crashing is worse than ever. Champions don't respond to many of our commands. We were forced to take this update against our will. Oh, and that new feature? It's nonexistent. No one can find what Kabam wants us to find. We're testing nothing, but we got the issues that came along with it. A thread was created by a concerned user who was experiencing the issues from this update. @Kabam Miike came into the thread and announced that it was a Beta Test. He moved it to the bugs section and said we should report any issues that came with the update. Then he left. We announced our issues. There were tons of them. We began to notice that the thread wasn't showing up at the top of the discussion board when we posted. Miike wasn't commenting anymore, despite him logging in and closing threads periodically. The most important thread about Kabam's screw-ups is malfunctioning. Convenient, isn't it? This company is broken. You're letting the game die, and you're ignoring those who are trying to show you how to save it. I contacted support twice, asking what was being tested. They responded by saying it was a test. Support doesn't read our entire comments. They just read two words and copy over a response that uses those words. They're as supportive as a rock.
If you don't start listening to us, your game and company will die. I'm not threatening you, and I'm not being disrespectful. I'm simply saying that no one likes a company that doesn't listen to their customers. And when they do listen, they don't act on they're promises. Perfect example right here. Read this comment by @Kabam Wolf. It's before the mods got the orange text, so make sure you're looking for it:
That comment was 60 days ago. This has been "under investigation" for 60 days. Kabam hasn't found a way to fix an issue in 60 days. This is moronic.
Here's a link to the thread that won't get bumped: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/12729/todays-update/p1
And Kabam, if you close or delete this thread, it'll just show that you don't care about or listen to your customers. Please take this advice before the game dies. We want this game to continue, but it can't go on if you don't let it.
This discussion has been closed.
See, that's what I'm fearing. I'm trying to prevent that from happening with this thread. I'm trying to let Kabam see that they're ruining the game.
I'm see u next year when u prob make the same thread again
Do you mean that the game won't get fixed ever?
No what I am saying is people have been stating the game will die on the forums since they saw it was hard to get there fav champs I can promise u it won't die any time soon and my comment was more directed tword the other guys comment then ur post yes they should work on there customer service but does not mean the game will die if they don't
The game will die if it doesn't get turned around, and fast. This is the worst update ever in Contest of Champions, and Kabam is ignoring it.
Yeah il see you next year mate can't wait to have the same convo seriously everything will kill this game from people on the forums perspective people were even saying the new injustice would kill it
See, this is what I'm talking about. Kabam is holding a gun to their head and begging us to pull the trigger with their horrible customer service and lack of care for us. People like you are simply saying "Okay" and pulling the trigger. The company is dying, and I want them to realize that and turn it around.
This is the first time that Kabam has literally made it so that a thread about their failures won't get bumped. That's too far.
You would be surprised at the amount of times I have had convos with people who say this statement seriously you would
The game can't last forever. This may not be the end, but it's headed in that direction. You gotta at least agree with that.
No it won't but as I was saying not every little thing will kill it people said the same way back when arena across hit 1 mill people said the game will die when they nerfed pb and will power people said the game will die when. They added a item cap people said the game will die if kabam did not change the crystal system people said the game will die when Pokemon go came out people said the game will die when injustice 2 came out people said the game will die if kabam does not make champs milestones in arena people said the game will die of kabam does not change aw people said the game will die if kabam doesn't add 30 min timers people said the game will die of kabam does not ban the top players as they thought they were hacking as of right now they have plans till 2020 and it will last to then after that no one knows
I'm saying that this is the biggest uproar since 12.0, and Kabam can't stand many more of those.
Will they fix it? Can you be sure? Because I, alongside most, can't be sure. No one trusts Kabam anymore.
Not saying the nerf were the bad part, I'm saying that the bugs and issues were insane. The nerds were part of the outcry, but it wasn't necessarily justified. This time, it is.
I mainly bring up nerfs because that was the main part people where mad about people also said that would kill the game yet here we are
I know. I've never seen then take ANY of the suggestions that have been given and put them into the game. And 90% of bug reports aren't even noticed. This company can't survive on a fan base that isn't cared about. If they don't care about us, we won't care about them.
Sunday mate u might not see a comment till tomorrow
I want the thread to grow before tomorrow, so then the mods can see that we all agree here.
The bugs, down times etc seem to be part of the game and I think the huge turning point was way back when the game was kicking us out all the time, at first kabam would compensate us all the time if you sent in a ticket, then over night it stopped and then the milking began in earnest.
They don't seem to realise that a happy customer is more likely to spend and therefore make them more money.
The forums it's self are not working as they only bother if you say anything bad against them.
Recently I reported that the top teams were fixing aw matches so they didn't meet and therefore got easier fights, this is Manipulating the matching process and they are benefitting from that and others expense ( I even provided evidence of a leaked screen shoot) this has had no effect and the top teams carry on. So kabams big stance on cheating and manipulating the game for your benefit really boils down to people using mods to do rol,lol etc which is there big money maker, their not bothered about anything else bar their bottom line.
The only time I ever get a reaction from kabam is saying something about kabam mike, then their on it in a flash.
So what does the future hold?
More bugs ( that benefit kabams pocket )
More nerfs if events etc become to easy and aren't making kabam as much money.
Customer services that doesn't understand it's title
And more and more of the above till finally they kill the golden goose, then it will be too late.
Exactly. The golden goose can get you tons of money, but not if it's dead. They're killing it.