Red Magneto SP2 heal block does not apply

Another one for the list of bugs. Was using my 4* 5/50 Mag against the epic Wolvie with 150% regen+unlockable. Along with his passive 40% ability accuracy reduction seeming to be off(never was able to verify if ANY champs % based abilities actually worked as described) , I timed his SP2 immediately after Wolvie procd a regen, and the heal block icon showed up alongside the regen icon and Wolvie proceeded to hit through my block with unblockable still active with the regen.
With the progression of the game and consistent introduction of new characters and nodes, IMO it seems to be getting more and more geared towards the necessity to play perfectly or risk oblivion in one combo or less. All fine and good, but honestly near impossible to accomplish when the game has never been and still fails to be maintained with the same standards.
ONE OTHER THING I have noticed recently is that Red Hulk consistently fails to gain heat charges when hit fighting a mystic champ. In the past, any atk whether blocked or not created a heat charge, but recently has been more miss than hit. Please have a look into that also. Thank you
With the progression of the game and consistent introduction of new characters and nodes, IMO it seems to be getting more and more geared towards the necessity to play perfectly or risk oblivion in one combo or less. All fine and good, but honestly near impossible to accomplish when the game has never been and still fails to be maintained with the same standards.
ONE OTHER THING I have noticed recently is that Red Hulk consistently fails to gain heat charges when hit fighting a mystic champ. In the past, any atk whether blocked or not created a heat charge, but recently has been more miss than hit. Please have a look into that also. Thank you
You answered your own question.
Now watch:
The heal block does not remove the buff. It blocks the heal.
Read carefully before you rant.
At first look your explanation seemed plausible but upon further "careful reading", it confuses me and leaves me with more questions now LOL. So let me ask you if I'm getting this correctly.
#1 a healblock will block the heal(regen), but it will not block(remove )the buff that encapsulates the heal(regen)? So then hypothetically if there was a "buff block" of some sort, it would only block the buff but not the actions of that buff?? Then in the case of Nullify, is it intended to block(remove) both the buff and action of the buff?
#2 So I was under the impression that the unblockable is triggered from the "active regen buff", so in turn I assumed that if the regen is blocked it is not active hence the unblockable would be void. But in this case the buff is active and the regen is not, is what your saying?
#3 Where specifically was this and other similar buff/debuff information detailed because I would not have gathered this process from the description of champ abilities and the description of the buff/debuff icon and I dont want to go on another rant about something else as if I dont read carefully. Call me ignorant, but I would never had expected that a buff and its actions are two seperate events indepenant of each other......but are they really? Other than a node or masteries, can a champ regen, powergain or fury stack etc...without a buff/debuff? And what would a buff/debuff be exactly if it didnt have its action?
Thanks for helping to clarify and confuse me at the same time. Lol
Only nullifying (steal) will stop unblockable, Since the buff is gone.
Even a void with "negative" heal applied would not stop Wolverie from unblockable Cauze his heal buff triggers an that triggers the node
#2 (conclusion), yes that is what he's saying.
As an example, have you used Corvus on a Bleed Node (or against someone who caused Bleed on him) ? While Corvus still has some of his initial 20 charges, he will have the Bleed debuff actively showing as an icon on him, BUT he will not actually take any damage from it.
And once his 20 charges is done, he purified/removes current Bleed debuffs.
*Side benefit, if you have Willpower, while the Bleed debuff is on him (even though not causing damage), Willpower will still be restoring some Health to Corvus.
@SummonerNR I actually haven't used Corvus because I pulled my 1st 4* of him just this yr and never bothered to Rank him up, so I'm not familiar with his abilities and I actually didnt get the willpower mastery after they had screwed with it many yrs ago.
@Cassy @Hamin
Ok, since you folks have been so helpful, I got another question on something I noticed recently with Rulk.
His SP2 burns 2 heat charges for 1253.xx HP correct? And in the past I've never witnessed where it didnt add the HP until recently and since I had the heat charges, only thing I thought could possibly cause that would be healblock which we've been discussing and or ability acurracy reduction maybe. But after consistently noticing it not work when there was no healblock or node nullifying heal(nor any debuff on Rulk) I looked up the abilities of some of the champs I fought and they didnt have ability acurracy reduction. Something I may be missing??