You should max out precision and cruelty, and Parry. Those are standard in almost any build you'll ever see, since the crit masteries add a LOT of damage (NOT lesser precision / cruelty). You can take the extra points out of Dex unless you have a strong hyperion, it doesn't do much to go above one point. Recovery is good, and at your level salve may actually do some decent work, but I generally don't recommend running the heavy resist mastery, as you should do all you can to learn to avoid those heavies. You can put those points into the physical resistance mastery, it's a decent value, or into the other masteries I mentioned.
That should be a good place to start for someone at your level. Just my two bit opinion, but hope it helps
The above summary is pretty good, but I'd like to mention that physical resistance only reduces damage a bit, so it's not that worth it. Heavy resist is only useful for prestige I believe. Also consider putting a few more points into courage and start saving for assassins and deep wounds. Maxing out block proficiency is also a good idea. Finally, you can't consider getting pacify as it could be useful.
Take OFF the bottom FURY nodes as well. And agree with only 1 in DEXTERITY. And XP probably better used for something real (or have you seen that it is helping you advance quicker ?)
You should max out precision and cruelty, and Parry. Those are standard in almost any build you'll ever see, since the crit masteries add a LOT of damage (NOT lesser precision / cruelty). You can take the extra points out of Dex unless you have a strong hyperion, it doesn't do much to go above one point. Recovery is good, and at your level salve may actually do some decent work, but I generally don't recommend running the heavy resist mastery, as you should do all you can to learn to avoid those heavies. You can put those points into the physical resistance mastery, it's a decent value, or into the other masteries I mentioned.
That should be a good place to start for someone at your level. Just my two bit opinion, but hope it helps
The above summary is pretty good, but I'd like to mention that physical resistance only reduces damage a bit, so it's not that worth it. Heavy resist is only useful for prestige I believe. Also consider putting a few more points into courage and start saving for assassins and deep wounds. Maxing out block proficiency is also a good idea. Finally, you can't consider getting pacify as it could be useful.
Take OFF the bottom FURY nodes as well. And agree with only 1 in DEXTERITY. And XP probably better used for something real (or have you seen that it is helping you advance quicker ?)
Thank you for giving me your time.all of you were helpful.🙏
That should be a good place to start for someone at your level. Just my two bit opinion, but hope it helps