I’m having trouble deciding on who to rank5, Void (duped sig100) or Corvus (unduped):

I know they’re both good, and opposites.. as in Void is great for long fights and Corvus is great for short fights... but I’m really finding it hard to decide..
I’m halfway in act 5.. I complete every EQ, most times with a few revives. My other go to champs are Magic (r4) , Luke cages (r4 & a 6*) Killmonger (R3) and omega (R3) Starlord (r3).. not much to choose from as the rest are just meh.. so I decided to go with chance, whichever champ the poll shows in 7 days I will choose and go with it. Thanks
I’m halfway in act 5.. I complete every EQ, most times with a few revives. My other go to champs are Magic (r4) , Luke cages (r4 & a 6*) Killmonger (R3) and omega (R3) Starlord (r3).. not much to choose from as the rest are just meh.. so I decided to go with chance, whichever champ the poll shows in 7 days I will choose and go with it. Thanks
I’m having trouble deciding on who to rank5, Void (duped sig100) or Corvus (unduped): 41 votes
23 votes
16 votes
Wait for other
2 votes
Follow your heart. You’ll be happier.