Variant 2 Hyperion Heavy/Specials doing glancing damage
I have had a weird bug happen a couple of times with Hyperion where he will use a heavy or special attack and it would appear as though it glances and i take massive damage.
From what i remember this always seemed to happen after i tried to hit and it glanced then i performed the action. Almost like a delayed glancing calculation which uses the heavy or special damage as the damage to be reflected back.
I did also notice this in BG videoo if you go to 2:31:40 and watch from there you can see what I am talking about
From what i remember this always seemed to happen after i tried to hit and it glanced then i performed the action. Almost like a delayed glancing calculation which uses the heavy or special damage as the damage to be reflected back.
I did also notice this in BG videoo if you go to 2:31:40 and watch from there you can see what I am talking about
One thing I noticed above is that he swings with a Medium attack against Symbioid (which Sym seems to evade) and then he immediately did his Hype's SP3. So wonder if this is related to the overall problem of if you do an SP3 coming out of an Evade or attack, that your hero will continue to do the evade or attack automatically as he comes out of the SP3 (didn’t see the resumption of attack here, but maybe the mechanic interpreted the SP3 as being the Medium attack because that is what he was doing as he entered the SP3, and so the Reflect/Glancing was applying the SP3 level of damage as Reflecting what it thought was a Medium attack) ???
I’ve seen other comments (and video) about Hype SP3, as well as Hype Heavy Attack, evidently taking huge Glancing damage for some reason. One was Hype vs Hype (so not specific to fighting that Symbioid). One link to main Back Issues #2 Thread below. Other post not sure where it was at.
@SummonerNR yes in the example i showed it appears as though the glancing hit from before the sp3 is calculated after the sp3 hence the damage. This has also happened to me in this manner, however i have also experienced it without the glancing such as just doing a heavy. Now i have only experienced this with Hyperion and i have seen a few other videos and examples which all are with Hyperion, so it appears this issue is only happening with Hyperion.
That’s my vid in that linked page. My Hyperion died mid--heavy attack which made no sense at all. There’s other people reporting glancing attacks are triggering crits so there’s bugs everywhere it seems.