Venom the duck new blade?

TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
Is he the new MUST have champ?

Venom the duck new blade? 49 votes

Yes he is!
Foxhero007AhitlawG0311TimrosHarbinger195MCoC_fanLaVarBBBShadow_PhoneixUncleRayRayFhfjghhggggjfhfjgPresticlesKingpinamosgp87EvisceratorRazeStrikeCtleath_013giantyogi1435Marc1980AUgradMoNsTeR_804 19 votes
Yes he is!
Charlie_SceneNoob2435X_Factor_AgentArbiter2426Xyresic_Lemon 5 votes
No.... JK! Yes he is!
CFreeCrkwestINTEGRALNikskiniNanoDroidGigantor13TerrapapajasonSavio444EvangelionlovrKillerRino19GhostboytjieMitchell35CUBRehan010_Ultimatesaber32Dp12PIZZATIMEEtherionGodLordGenesis 25 votes


  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    No.... JK! Yes he is!
  • LorussuelLorussuel Member Posts: 28
    edited April 2019
    I got him 6* but still havent used him, what makes him so special? And does he need dup?
  • Physology101Physology101 Member Posts: 77
    I guess his toxic armour.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Why is blade so good?
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Lorussuel said:

    I got him 6* but still havent used him, what makes him so special? And does he need dup?

    No he doesn't need it.
    It's nice but not needed.
    Check out some gameplay videos and enjoy your tank
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    Yes he is!
    I'm seeing alot of yes' on this post.

    Don't see alot of mention about his regen. Which is phenomenal btw.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    No.... JK! Yes he is!

  • Arbiter2426Arbiter2426 Member Posts: 346
    edited April 2019
    Yes he is!
    Hes great for questing, my 5* rank 4 is my best champ and gets me through uncollected with 400 damage bleeds, power gain, 4k crits and amazing regeneration, only bad part is getting the first 3 buffs you want on him due to the rng aspect
  • G0311G0311 Member Posts: 913 ★★★
    Yes he is!
    I love mine, awaken 5* at R4, on AW all day.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019
    Timros said:

    I'm seeing alot of yes' on this post.

    I'm sure the fact that there are no options for anything but yes has nothing to do with that lol. When we start seeing posts wondering if x is the new VTD you might have a decent case...

  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    In some cases he is. In some cases he’s not. You need to fight as VTD to get buffs in the RNA back, you can get 3 each fight. Once he has 10, he can be a monster. Better for offense than defense. Blade can regen but it costs power, his SP2 causes a lot of damage and same for his SP3. VTD has regen better depending on how many R buffs you have in the RNA bank.

    They both have their uses and faults.
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    Yes he is!
    The thing about blade is this, you have to hold block to heal, then dodge in hopes they won't just knock down the small bits of life you just gained. Rinse and repeat. It's a pain. Vtd, his regen just activates without doing anymore than just kicking butt because hes just that good. When he feels like it, he'll throw some siphon up on ya. For good measure, toss in an occasional L2 for some real pain. The duck eats blade for breakfast.
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    Yes he is!
    Seriously though, the only drawback people are consistently mentioning is his ramp up. 3 fights. 3 fights! Hey, if your having trouble getting him past 3 fights to get him into complete domination monster mode, you don't deserve to have him.
    Hes a tank with an attitude. He may be too much for the average Joe to handle, and that's ok! That's what the blades and archangels are there for. It takes a certain kind of appreciation and respect to use him. A certain kind of class. Not everyone can have it, but those that do, they know. They know.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Timros said:

    Seriously though, the only drawback people are consistently mentioning is his ramp up. 3 fights. 3 fights! Hey, if your having trouble getting him past 3 fights to get him into complete domination monster mode, you don't deserve to have him.
    Hes a tank with an attitude. He may be too much for the average Joe to handle, and that's ok! That's what the blades and archangels are there for. It takes a certain kind of appreciation and respect to use him. A certain kind of class. Not everyone can have it, but those that do, they know. They know.

    The drawback with the 3 fights is getting the wrong buffs to activate and gotta wait longer for the right buff, it’s a pain especially in AQ.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    Timros said:

    Seriously though, the only drawback people are consistently mentioning is his ramp up. 3 fights. 3 fights! Hey, if your having trouble getting him past 3 fights to get him into complete domination monster mode, you don't deserve to have him.
    Hes a tank with an attitude. He may be too much for the average Joe to handle, and that's ok! That's what the blades and archangels are there for. It takes a certain kind of appreciation and respect to use him. A certain kind of class. Not everyone can have it, but those that do, they know. They know.

    The drawback with the 3 fights is getting the wrong buffs to activate and gotta wait longer for the right buff, it’s a pain especially in AQ.
    Aq fights can be timed out. Typically if I can get at least one regen buff in the first fight it’s better to time out. Multiple the regen buff. Time out again, then go full beast mode.

    Even if you don’t get the offensive buffs you want. All the regen in the world allows him to time out fights in aq as you wish.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Jaded said:

    Timros said:

    Seriously though, the only drawback people are consistently mentioning is his ramp up. 3 fights. 3 fights! Hey, if your having trouble getting him past 3 fights to get him into complete domination monster mode, you don't deserve to have him.
    Hes a tank with an attitude. He may be too much for the average Joe to handle, and that's ok! That's what the blades and archangels are there for. It takes a certain kind of appreciation and respect to use him. A certain kind of class. Not everyone can have it, but those that do, they know. They know.

    The drawback with the 3 fights is getting the wrong buffs to activate and gotta wait longer for the right buff, it’s a pain especially in AQ.
    Aq fights can be timed out. Typically if I can get at least one regen buff in the first fight it’s better to time out. Multiple the regen buff. Time out again, then go full beast mode.

    Even if you don’t get the offensive buffs you want. All the regen in the world allows him to time out fights in aq as you wish.
    For the time I have had VTD, I have never thought of that.
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
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  • King_GarfKing_Garf Member Posts: 48
    Timros said:

    Seriously though, the only drawback people are consistently mentioning is his ramp up. 3 fights. 3 fights! Hey, if your having trouble getting him past 3 fights to get him into complete domination monster mode, you don't deserve to have him.
    Hes a tank with an attitude. He may be too much for the average Joe to handle, and that's ok! That's what the blades and archangels are there for. It takes a certain kind of appreciation and respect to use him. A certain kind of class. Not everyone can have it, but those that do, they know. They know.

    If you really think that waiting for a buff to apply and using a special is some crazy high end skill then you’re nuts. Only thing that I would say is right about him needed a certain kind of appreciation and respect is that he’s an acquired taste like Morningstar and masacre. Also don’t forget that it can be more than 3 fights if you don’t get the right buffs and in certain content that can get really annoying when you don’t have a lot of time like in AQ where he’s popular.

  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Yes he is!
    Drooped2 said:

    New over rated boring champ to play?

    Venom the duck brings excitement for me. How dare you! :(
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Yes he is!
    at R3 he took out act 5 Ultron in less than 45 seconds. Probably much quicker. The entirety of 5.3 and 5.4 no potions needed. Destroys stun immunes and out regens DOT debuffs and passive degens on bleed immune. Dude is a goat. Deal wit it
  • King_GarfKing_Garf Member Posts: 48
    Timros said:

    The thing about blade is this, you have to hold block to heal, then dodge in hopes they won't just knock down the small bits of life you just gained. Rinse and repeat. It's a pain.

    With a decent level in blades sig, he gets a lot of health for a short amount of time that is easily obtained. If you know how to dash back, you won’t lose any health. As for losing power with it, you gain a lot of power from his bleeds which actually can help cancel out the power being taken away from the regen. It’s saved me multiple times in AQ and in questing when I was low and brought my health up very quickly. Blades regen is only very helpful because of its reliability. When you’re below 70%, you can use it any time you have power. No other champ has that reliable of a regen, especially vtd which you need to get the buff then use the sp3 to get it again.

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  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Yes he is!
    I still love blade tho! Wish duck could lower ability accuracy but that’d be too op
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,881 ★★★★★

    Venom the Duck is cool. He's also VERY useful in the recently released Variant #2. He's a lot of fun to use and is great for questing content.

    That said, he's been out for over 6 months and seems to only now be catching people's attention...and I think it's mostly because his utility in Variant #2. On the flip side, Blade's benefit was obvious to everyone as soon as he was released and it wasn't long before he was the top champ of about 75 of the top 100 summoners on the leaderboard.

    The question he the new MUST HAVE champ. I'd say no. Blade changed the landscape of Alliance War and kabam bent their own rules when offering his crystal not once, but twice simply because he was so desired by summoners upon his release.

    Venom the Duck is great, I love his design, and he was SUPER helpful in finishing Variant #2. But the splash he has made since entering the contest is nothing compared to what happened when Blade entered. Plus outside of Variant #2, there's not a piece of content I can think of where VtD is better than all other champs.

    He's great, but not a "Must Have'.

    He is great for lower Tier AQ (map 3-5 early days) or just for anything with armor. His SP2 devastates all armor nodes. But I agree, he isn't "must have"
  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    A huge part of what makes Blade so good is the trinity, which I've noticed hasn't been mentioned.. Danger sense is an extremely useful ability when beefed up.

    That being said, I haven't used VtD so I can't say either way.
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