Filter by #s

Isn't it time we were able to filter our champions by the hashtags ? With Variant #2 and now the Avengers quests, would be much easier to sort champions.
Isn't it time we were able to filter our champions by the hashtags ? With Variant #2 and now the Avengers quests, would be much easier to sort champions.
If you had a filter option for each tag it would take up a ton of space in the UI
This year Kabam has introduced Variant 2 and yet we still can’t filter our roster by #XL and #L champions. In the last few months, Kabam has introduced solo objectives that reward us for using a #symbiote hero, #avengers hero, etc....
At least give us the proper tools to view and filter out roster!!! We can’t even see hashtags when viewing the info for our champs (see below).
If they’re going to throw out content that is hashtag specific, give us the tools to view and sort by hashtag. It would be a great feature that I’m sure all players would enjoy and welcome. Instead we get a way to sort unowned and owned??? C’mon!