2015 tech gem rank up poll battle of the meme champs Version 2.0

Hey everyone
I ran a poll a few months back asking who I should rank up with my tech 3-4 2015 Gem I went with the Poll results & decided to wait for a Vision or Starlord.
In the interim I have finished Variant 2 & are now sitting on 3 2015 Tech gems, as you see below I ranked up Ultron more than a year ago so hes out of the equation. Will keep 2 for vision & Sl but what do I do with the third?
Let the community decide that's what!

I ran a poll a few months back asking who I should rank up with my tech 3-4 2015 Gem I went with the Poll results & decided to wait for a Vision or Starlord.
In the interim I have finished Variant 2 & are now sitting on 3 2015 Tech gems, as you see below I ranked up Ultron more than a year ago so hes out of the equation. Will keep 2 for vision & Sl but what do I do with the third?
Let the community decide that's what!

2015 tech gem rank up poll battle of the meme champs Version 2.0 50 votes
But Rocket is probably the best one overall out of these champs.
Just Took Iron man up Thank you again to the community for having their say this one was for you guys....Bask in his glory!