I'm not taking sides here: Who enjoys the new idea of an EQ Mega Boss (Thanos)

Time4ASpankingTime4ASpanking Member Posts: 199
It's a big difference from the usual EQ, what does everyone think of the change?

I'm not taking sides here: Who enjoys the new idea of an EQ Mega Boss (Thanos) 129 votes

I Like It
ArcDeAngelusGamerRagamugginGunnerLeNoirFaineantHaji_SaabTimone147xNigbloodyCaincUbA_LiBrEWiMakAxeCopFirePrimmer79SungjAlCapone2727ThereticPwf57Patchie93Sixshot1Monk1ShaheerFIaz 56 votes
I Don't Like It
Vdh2008mostlyharmlessnSpity68PiviotzuffyNuclekerrDukeZmanMurderous_munchiesMets17ShaconaqeJreed2560BboychoboAhitlawCassyNiradTaZ_4178KerneasBruinsfan8510AryannaBattle_Greninja 31 votes
I like The Idea, But Not This Month's EQ Boss
DrZolaGhost998NanoDroidJP1119ForwardGarrizeKALIZOTime4ASpankingHENRIQUE_FORTERacs0OrcDovahkiinLilMaddogHTSandeepSArdiDatman257DaphboySborlaxChampioncriticLordRaymond3Denzel116 42 votes


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  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    edited May 2019
    I Like It
    I found him a great balance. Needed some revives for UC, which I did before Master, but nothing even close to what I had on hand, so no units spent. I like not having to go through an entire map to get to him. Will likely use him as practice more over the coming weeks; his third phase is an excellent training ground to up your intercept game if that is something you struggled with, like I did. Proxima's second mission is much easier now. 😉
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    I Like It
    Like it but for me harder content requires better rewards.
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  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    I Like It
    Way better with just only 9 energy needed to get to him...you can keep practicing until the end of month.
    Plus, if you really can't beat him without using items, there are couple of ways to get revive and even more easier to get potion. Just farm the potion from ROL.

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  • AlCapone2727AlCapone2727 Member Posts: 428 ★★
    I Like It
    Yes I like one boss I can fight and that's it. but its 9 energy to practice and the rewards havnt been increased
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,880 ★★★★★
    I Don't Like It
    I just don't like the length of other quests. I'd rather have normal EQ (6 enemies + boss) than this
  • edited May 2019
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  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    I Like It
    Enjoyed the challenge.

    Needed better rewards for such a skilled fight. Surprised we didn't even get a title

    Do feel though the difficulty for master level Thanos was not right for the people who usually do master mode. They should of had it so the indestructible buff was removed when intercepted and not applied again until an sp3 was launched, giving players a bigger window to do damage.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    I like The Idea, But Not This Month's EQ Boss
    Bidzy7 said:

    Enjoyed the challenge.

    Needed better rewards for such a skilled fight. Surprised we didn't even get a title

    Do feel though the difficulty for master level Thanos was not right for the people who usually do master mode. They should of had it so the indestructible buff was removed when intercepted and not applied again until an sp3 was launched, giving players a bigger window to do damage.

    Which is why i chose option 3. I liked that i only had to fight the final boss once, but his phase 1 and 3 were way too difficult, phase 3 more than 1.
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