Why can’t Completed Arenas screen be more user-friendly ??

Always frustrates me to try and lookup my points in “Completed Arenas” (if I forgot to screencap the points before the Arenas end).

1st issue - Why can't the panel for each Completed Arena show your points directly on each panel right on the summary screen ??

2nd issue - So instead, the game makes you go into the “Leaderboard” for each Arena to see how many points you did. BUT, the ORDER of each Completed Arena panel is NOT CONSISTENT, it would be nice if they were in the same order (lowest “Star” Arena to highest “Star” Arena) as how they initially appear when new arenas start.

3rd issue - Furthermore, each time you go into the Leaderboard for one you are interested in, and come back out, THE ORDER of the Panels HAS NOW CHANGED AGAIN. And since the Red “Finished” band cuts across the various Stars that would have maybe told you which arena you are trying to find, you can not see how many Stars are showing on each panel. I have to just click on Leaderboards several times to try and find the correct Feature Arena that I’m trying to find my points for.
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