Lvl up 4* GR for blade Syng

VinvickVinvick Member Posts: 117
I have both 4*, 5* blade. 4* is duped. I recently pulled & duped 4* GR . Should I R4 or R5 4* GR?
My main team is, 4* duped maxed Blade, G.Hulk, Domino, 5* undup R3 Hyp, Magik. I never saw GR getting the attack buff.

Lvl up 4* GR for blade Syng 11 votes

R5 4* duped GR
AanthoFhfjghhggggjfhfjgAnthinhoEtjamaMilan1405 5 votes
R4 4* dupes GR
phillgreenTerraXxLoganTDCxXInfinityM04BrudixTree 5 votes
Save resources for 5*
Zephyr 1 vote


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,643 ★★★★★
    R4 4* dupes GR
    The Gr synergy only boost Blade in a effective way. Blade will be your most reliable champion, and while GR is solid on his own, his synergy is kinda needed, so unless you plan to use GR a lot, R4 is fine for now.
  • BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★
    R4 4* dupes GR
    I think, that as you already have such powerful 5 * * * * * s such as Hyperion and Magic and blade, i would safe up the resources to Level up these dudes. The 4 star r5 GR will not be of any usage any more if you have these 5 stars at rank 4!
  • VinvickVinvick Member Posts: 117
    Thank you. How can I see the duped GR atk buff?
  • Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★
    R5 4* duped GR
    Nah GR is one of the best champs for map 6 and below (map 7 omega red is probs your guy)
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    R4 4* dupes GR
    I wouldn't rank 5 him because his damage output isn't very high
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